API reference
This file is part of the ResIPy project (https://gitlab.com/hkex/resipy). @licence: GPLv3 @author: ResIPy authors and contributors
The ‘Project’ class wraps all main interactions between R* executables and other filtering or meshing part of the code. It’s the entry point for the user.
- class resipy.Project.Project(dirname='', typ='R2')
Master class to handle all processing around the inversion codes.
- Parameters:
- dirnamestr, optional
Path of the working directory. Can also be set using R2.setwd().
- typstr, optional
Either R2 or R3t for 3D. Complex equivalents are cR2 and cR3t. Automatically infered when creating the survey.
- addData(index=0, **kwargs)
Adds data to the survey - used usually to add reciprocal datasets
- Parameters:
- index: int
Survey index to add data to.
- **kwargs: Keyword arguments to be passed to Survey.addData()
- addFilteredIP()
Add filtered IP to the dataframes.
- addFlatError(percent=2.5)
Add a flat percentage error to resistivity data (for each survey in the class). This action is irreversable. Use case is for simulating modelling errors in unconventional surveys.
resError = res*(percent/100) + resError
- Parameters:
- percentfloat
Error in percent.
- addRegion(xz, res0=100, phase0=1, blocky=False, fixed=False, ax=None, iplot=False)
Add region according to a polyline defined by xz and assign it the starting resistivity res0.
- Parameters:
- xzarray
Array with two columns for the x and y coordinates.
- res0float, optional
Resistivity values of the defined area.
- phase0float, optional
Read only if you choose the cR2 option. Phase value of the defined area in mrad
- blockybool, optional
If True the boundary of the region will be blocky if inversion is block inversion.
- fixedbool, optional
If True, the inversion will keep the starting resistivity of this region.
- axmatplotlib.axes.Axes
If not None, the region will be plotted against this axes.
- iplotbool, optional
If True , the updated mesh with the region will be plotted.
- checkTxSign()
Checking and correcting the polarity of the transfer resistances (flat 2D surveys only !).
- computeAttribute(formula, name, dump=None)
Compute a new attribute for each meshResults.
NOTE: this function present a security risk as it allows execution of python code inputed by the user. It should be used with caution.
- Parameters:
- formulastr
Formula as a string. All attribute already in the mesh object are available from the x dictionary and can be sed as x[‘nameOfAttribute’]. e.g. : “1/x[‘Resistivity’]” will compute the inverse of the ‘Resistivity’ attribute if this attribute exists. Operators available are addition (+), soustraction (-), division (/) multiplication (*) and exponent (**). Parenthesis are also taken into account. numpy function such as np.sqrt() or np.cos() are also available. e.g. : “(np.sqrt(x[‘Resistivity’]) + 100)*1000” Note: use a mixture of double and single quote such as double for the entire string and single for indexing the dictionnary x[‘keyName’].
- namestr
Name of the new attribute computed.
- dumpfunction, optional
Function to write stdout.
- computeFineMeshDepth()
Compute the Fine Mesh Depth (FMD) based on electrode positions and the larger dipole spacing. Express as a positive number, it represents the relative vertical distance to extend the fine mesh region below the surface.
- computeModelError(rmTree=False, dump=None)
Compute modelling error associated with the mesh for a half space problem. This is computed on a flat mesh with the same meshing parameters as the project mesh. In the case of non-conventional surveys a different modelling error scheme will be used.
- Parameters:
- rmTreebool
Remove the working directory used for the error modelling. Default is True.
- dumpbool
Function to direct the output of the modelling error process, by default the outputs are printed to the console.
- computeReciprocal(alg='Bisection Search', forceSign=False)
Compute Reciprocals and store them in self.surveys[0:n].df.
- Parameters:
- algstr, optional
Algorithm used to compute reciprocals. Choose between ‘Bisection Search’, ‘Pandas Merge’ or ‘Array Expansion’. The default is ‘Bisection Search’, other string are casted to ‘Array Expansion’.
- forceSign: bool, optional
Force reciprocal and forward measurements to have the same polarity regarding the calculation of the reciprocal errors. Default is False.
If the relevant cython code cannot be found then the function falls back to using the pandas merge approach.
- computeVol(attr='Resistivity(ohm.m)', vmin=None, vmax=None, index=0)
Given a 3D dataset, calculates volume based on mesh type. Note: The majority of this function’s code is also seen in the meshTools’ cellArea function as well. But that calculates all the mesh not the mesh results.
- Parameters:
- attr: str, optional
Attribute displayed in mesh results where apropriate cell vertices are assigned a location. These locations are utilized for volume calculations
- vmin: float, optional
User assigned minimum threshold value of attribute
- vmax: float, optional
User asigned maximum threshold value of attribute
- index: int, optional
meshResults index. In case of multi-file inversion/modeling (e.g., timelapse)
- Returns:
- volume: float
The volume of selected mesh region in cubic meters
- convertLocalGrid()
Converts UTM grid to local grid for stability in mesh generation and the finite element solution.
- Parameters:
- resetbool, optional
reset the grid to original
- create3DSurvey(fname, lineSpacing=1, zigzag=False, ftype='Syscal', name=None, parser=None, dump=None)
Create a 3D survey based on 2D regularly spaced surveys.
Note: If one electrode has similar position between multiple lines (shared electrode), ResIPy will keep online one position of the electrode and share its label accross the lines.
- Parameters:
- fnamelist of str
List of 2D filenames in the right order for the grid or directory name (the files will be sorted alphabetically in this last case).
- lineSpacingfloat, optional
Spacing in meter between each line.
- zigzagbool, optional
If True then one survey out of two will be flipped. #TODO not implemented yet
- ftypestr, optional
Type of file to be parsed. Either ‘Syscal’,’ProtocolDC’,’ResInv’, ‘BGS Prime’, ‘ProtocolIP’, ‘Sting’, ‘ABEM-Lund’, ‘Lippmann’ or ‘ARES’.
- namestr, optional
Name of the merged 3D survey.
- createBatchSurvey(dirname, ftype='Syscal', info={}, spacing=None, parser=None, isurveys=[], dump=None, debug=False)
Read multiples files from a folders (sorted by alphabetical order).
- Parameters:
- dirnamestr
Directory with files to be parsed.
- ftypestr, optional
Type of file to be parsed. Either ‘Syscal’,’ProtocolDC’,’ResInv’, ‘BGS Prime’, ‘ProtocolIP’, ‘Sting’, ‘ABEM-Lund’, ‘Lippmann’ or ‘ARES’.
- infodict, optional
Dictionnary of info about the survey.
- spacingfloat, optional
Electrode spacing to be passed to the parser function.
- parserfunction, optional
A parser function to be passed to Survey constructor.
- isurveyslist, optional
List of surveys index that will be used for error modelling and so reciprocal measurements. By default all surveys are used.
- dumpfunction, optional
Function to dump the information message when importing the files.
- debugbool, optional
If True informations about reciprocal computation, default filtering and so on will be displayed.
- createMergedSurveys(fname, ftype='Protocol DC', delimiter=',', dump=None, debug=False)
Create one or multiple surveys by merging multiple files referenced in singular human readable file with a specific format, survey details. See notes below.
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
File path to .csv file.
- ftype: str, optional
File type, see ResIPy docs for types of file type avialable. Will be overwritten if specified in the survey details file.
- delimiter: str, optional
Delimiter used in merge file. Defaults to ‘,’.
Format of survey details file should have up to 3 columns with these names. fpath, sid (optional), and ftype (optional).
- fpath: str
Path to survey file, best to use full system path
- ftype: str, optional
File type, should correspond to the file ‘ftype’ for each file (they might be different for some reason, though best avoided). If not passed the file type can be set be the variable at the top of this function. Type of files avialable are: Either ‘Syscal’,’ProtocolDC’, ‘ResInv’,’BGS Prime’, ‘ProtocolIP’, ‘Sting’, ‘ABEM-Lund’, ‘Lippmann’ or ‘ARES’.
- sid: int, optional
Survey index, used for making timelapse surveys from multiple files
- createMesh(typ='default', buried=None, surface=None, cl_factor=2, cl=-1, dump=None, res0=100, show_output=False, fmd=None, remote=None, refine=0, **kwargs)
Create a mesh.
- Parameters:
- typstr, optional
Type of mesh. For 2D:
‘quad’: quadrilateral (fast to build)
‘trian’: triangular (fast to run) - default
‘circle’: close circular mesh
- For 3D:
‘tetra’: tetrahedral mesh for half-space - default
‘cylinder’: column build with tetrahedral
‘prism’: column build with prism
‘tank’: closed geometry with tetrahedra
- buriednumpy.array, optional
Boolean array of electrodes that are buried. Should be the same length as R2.elec
- surfacenumpy.array, optional
Array with two or three columns x, y (optional) and elevation for additional surface points.
- cl_factorfloat, optional
Characteristic length factor. Only used for triangular mesh to allow mesh to be refined close the electrodes and then expand.
- clfloat, optional
Characteristic length that define the mesh size around the electrodes.
- dumpfunction, optional
- Function to which pass the output during mesh generation. print()
is the default.
- res0float, optional
Starting resistivity for mesh elements.
- show_outputbool, optional
If True, the output of gmsh will be shown on screen.
- fmdfloat, optional
Depth of fine region specifies as a positive number relative to the mesh surface.
- remotebool, optional
Boolean array of electrodes that are remote (ie not real). Should be the same length as Project.elec.
- refineint, optional
Number times the mesh will be refined. Refinement split the triangles or the tetrahedra but keep the same number of parameter for the inversion. This helps having a more accurate forward response and a faster inversion (as the number of elements does not increase). Only available for triangles or tetrahedral mesh.
- kwargs-, optional
Keyword arguments to be passed to mesh generation schemes Specific for ‘tank mesh’:
- originlist of 3 floats
Origin in X,Y,Z of one of the tank corner.
- dimensionlist of 3 floats
Dimension from the corner on how to extend the tank.
- Specific for ‘cylinder mesh’:
zlim : list of 2 int
For the bottom and top of the column along the Z axis.
- createModel(ax=None, dump=None, typ='poly', addAction=None)
Interactive model creation for forward modelling.
- Parameters:
- axmatplotlib.axes.Axes, optional
Axes to which the graph will be plotted.
- dumpfunction, optional
Function that outputs messages from the interactive model creation.
- typstr
Type of selection either poly for polyline or rect for rectangle.
- addActionfunction
Function to be called once the selection is finished (design for GUI purpose).
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib.figure
If ax is None, will return a figure.
- createModelErrorMesh(**kwargs)
Create an homogeneous mesh to compute modelling error.
Same arguments as Project.createMesh().
- createModelMesh(**kwargs)
Create a triangular mesh given the designed geometry by R2.designModel().
- Parameters:
- All parameters to be passed are similar to `R2.createMesh()`.
- createMultiMesh(runParallel=True, **kwargs)
Create multiple meshes from avalable Projects in self.projs.
- Parameters:
- runParallelbool, optional
if True, mesh generation will run in multiple threads.
- kwargs-
Keyword arguments to be passed to mesh generation schemes
- createPseudo3DSurvey(dirname, lineSpacing=1, ftype='Syscal', parser=None, **kwargs)
- Create a pseudo 3D survey based on 2D surveys. Multiple 2D Projects to be turned into a single pseudo 3D survey.
- Parameters:
- dirnamelist of str
List of 2D filenames in the right order for the grid or directory name (the files will be sorted alphabetically in this last case).
- lineSpacingfloat, optional
Spacing in meter between each line.
- ftypestr, optional
Type of the survey to choose which parser to use.
- kwargs-
Keyword arguments to be passed to Project.createBatchSurvey()
- createSequence(params=[('dpdp1', 1, 8)], seqIdx=None, *kwargs)
Creates a forward modelling sequence, see examples below for usage.
- Parameters:
- paramslist of tuple, optional
Each tuple is the form (<array_name>, param1, param2, …) Types of sequences available are : ‘dpdp1’,’dpdp2’,’wenner_alpha’, ‘wenner_beta’, ‘wenner_gamma’, ‘schlum1’, ‘schlum2’, ‘multigrad’, ‘custSeq’. if ‘custSeq’ is chosen, param1 should be a string of file path to a .csv file containing a custom sequence with 4 columns (a, b, m, n) containing forward model sequence.
- seqIdx: list of array like, optional
Each entry in list contains electrode indices (not label and string) for a given electrode string which is to be sequenced. The advantage of a list means that sequences can be of different lengths.
>>> k = Project() >>> k.setElec(np.c_[np.linspace(0,5.75, 24), np.zeros((24, 2))]) >>> k.createMesh(typ='trian') >>> k.createSequence([('dpdp1', 1, 8), ('wenner_alpha', 1), ('wenner_alpha', 2)]) # dipole-dipole sequence >>> k.createSequence([('custSeq', '<path to sequence file>/sequence.csv')]) # importing a custom sequence >>> seqIdx = [[0,1,2,3],[4,5,6,7],[8,9,10,11,12]]
- createSequenceXBH()
Custom scheme for boreholes (not yet developed)
- createSurvey(fname='', ftype='Syscal', info={}, spacing=None, parser=None, debug=True, estMemory=True, **kwargs)
Read electrodes and quadrupoles data and return a survey object.
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
Filename to be parsed.
- ftypestr, optional
Type of file to be parsed. Either ‘Syscal’,’ProtocolDC’,’ResInv’, ‘BGS Prime’, ‘ProtocolIP’, ‘Sting’, ‘ABEM-Lund’, ‘Lippmann’ or ‘ARES’.
- infodict, optional
Dictionnary of info about the survey.
- spacingfloat, optional
Electrode spacing to be passed to the parser function.
- parserfunction, optional
A parser function to be passed to Survey constructor.
- debugbool, optional
If True, information about the reciprocal measurements, default filtering, etc. will be displayed.
- estMemory: bool, optional
If true, estimate the amount of RAM required to do the inversion. Default is True.
- **kwargs: Keyword arguments to be passed to Survey()
- createTimeLapseSurvey(dirname, ftype='Syscal', info={}, spacing=None, parser=None, isurveys=[], dump=None, debug=False)
Read electrodes and quadrupoles data and return a survey object.
- Parameters:
- dirnamestr or list of str
Directory with files to be parsed or list of file to be parsed.
- ftypestr, optional
Type of file to be parsed. Either ‘Syscal’,’ProtocolDC’,’ResInv’, ‘BGS Prime’, ‘ProtocolIP’, ‘Sting’, ‘ABEM-Lund’, ‘Lippmann’ or ‘ARES’.
- infodict, optional
Dictionnary of info about the survey. Put inverse_type = 1 to allow for a changing number of measurements between surveys.
- spacingfloat, optional
Electrode spacing to be passed to the parser function.
- parserfunction, optional
A parser function to be passed to Survey constructor.
- isurveyslist, optional
List of surveys index that will be used for error modelling and so reciprocal measurements. By default all surveys are used.
- dumpfunction, optional
Function to dump information message when importing the files.
- debugbool, optional
If True informations about reciprocal computation, default filtering and so on will be displayed.
- designModel(ax=None, dump=<built-in function print>, typ='poly', addAction=None, fmd=None)
Interactive model design for forward modelling (triangular only). As opposite to R2.createModel(). R2.designModel() allows to draw mesh region before meshing. This allows to have straight boundaries for triangular mesh.
- Parameters:
- axmatplotlib.axes.Axes, optional
Axes to which the graph will be plotted.
- dumpfunction, optional
Function that outputs messages from the interactive model creation.
- typstr
Type of selection either poly for polyline or rect for rectangle.
- addActionfunction
Function to be called once the selection is finished (design for GUI purpose).
- fmdfloat, optional
Depth of of interest specifies as a relative positive number from the surface.
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib.figure
If ax is None, will return a figure.
- detectStrings(tolerance=15, max_itr=None)
Automatically detect electrode strings. If all electrodes lie on the same Y plane then the function assumes the problem is a borehole problem.
- Parameters:
- tolerancefloat, optional
Maximum (+/-) bearing (ie directional angle) tolerance each subsiquent electrode may have. The default is 15.
- max_itrint, optional
Maximum number of searches that can be performed to find colinear nieghbouring electrodes. The default is number of electrodes plus 10.
- Returns:
- list (of list)
Each entry in the list corresponds to an electrode string, and is a list of integers which are the indices of the respective electrodes in self.elec
- Raises:
- ValueError
if the change in x and y direction for 2 neighbouring electrodes is the same. ie no 2 electrodes can occupy the same x y position in this code.
- ValueError
if the change maxium number of searches is exceeded.
- elec2distance(yDominant=False, iMoveElec=False)
Convert 3D electrode XY coordinates into just X coordinates. Use for 2D lines only! If self.elec has been set then each survey will use the electrodes set in the R2 master class. If not then the R2 master class will take on the elec values set for the first survey in a sequence.
- Parameters:
- yDominant: bool, optional
If electrodes are prodimently spaced in the y direction then set yDominant to True.
- iMoveElec: bool, optional
If moving electrodes are present then set to True, so that the same electrode positions are not given to each survey.
- elec2horidist()
Convert 2D xz data into a true horizontal distance. Assumes that survey was done with a tape measure and the X distances are not true horizontal distance but distances measured along the ground.
- estimateError(a_wgt=0.01, b_wgt=0.02)
Estimate reciprocal error data for data with no reciprocals for each survey, using the same routine present in R2. This allows for the additional inclusion of modelling errors. It could be used when the user want to assign invidual errors based on a_wgt/b_wgt. This action is irreversable.
- Parameters:
- a_wgt: float, optional
a_wgt documented in the R2 documentation
- b_wgt: float, optional
b_wgt documented in the R2 documentation
- exportData(outputname=None, ftype='protocol', err=False, recip=False)
Export preconditioned data used by ResIPy into another format ( different to project.saveData).
- Parameters:
- outputnamestr, optional
Outputname. The default is None. If not given then the function falls back on the survey name. If set then a number will be appended to the file name in the case of time-lapse (or batch) surveys.
- ftypestr, optional
Export File type, choose from either protocol, srv, csv, ResInv. The default is ‘protocol’.
- errbool, optional
Flag to include errors. The default is False.
- recipbool, optional
Flag to include reciprocals. The default is False.
- exportElec(outputname=None, _forceLocal=False)
Export electrodes as a different file format, with coordinate conversion if Project.coordLocal set to True.
- Parameters:
- outputnamestr, optional
- Output path with extension. Available mesh format are:
.vtk (Paraview)
.dat (R* codes)
.csv (general)
If not provided the electrode coordinates are saved in the working directory as electrodes.vtk.
- _forceLocal: bool, optional
Forces outputs in the local grid format is self.coordLocal == True.
- exportMesh(outputname=None, voxel=False, _forceLocal=False)
Export mesh as a different file format, with coordinate conversion if Project.coordLocal set to True.
- Parameters:
- outputnamestr, optional
- Output path with extension. Available mesh format are:
.vtk (Paraview)
.node (Tetgen)
.dat (R* codes)
If not provided the mesh is saved in the working directory as mesh.vtk.
- voxel: bool, optional
If True, mesh will be converted to voxel format.
- _forceLocal: bool, optional
Forces outputs in the local grid format is self.coordLocal == True.
- exportMeshResults(dirname=None, ftype='.vtk', voxel=False, _forceLocal=False)
Save mesh files of inversion results to a specified directory. If results are in a local grid, they will be converted back into thier respective utm or nationa grid coordinates.
- Parameters:
- dirname: str
Directory in which results will be saved. Default is the working directory.
- ftype: str
Type of file extension.
- voxel: bool, optional
Force export to be in a voxel format.
- _forceLocal: bool, optional
Force output to be in a local grid if self.coordLocal is True. Meant for use with the UI.
- filterAppResist(index=-1, vmin=None, vmax=None)
Filter measurements by apparent resistivity for surface surveys
- Parameters:
- vminfloat, optional
Minimum value.
- vmaxfloat, optional
Maximum value.
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey on which to apply the processing. If the processing is to be applied to all surveys then specifiy index=-1 (default).
- filterContRes(index=-1, vmin=None, vmax=None)
Filter measurements by contact resistance if avialable.
- Parameters:
- vminfloat, optional
Minimum value.
- vmaxfloat, optional
Maximum value.
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey on which to apply the processing. If the processing is to be applied to all surveys then specifiy index=-1 (default).
- filterDCA(index=-1, dump=None)
Execute DCA filtering. Decay Curve Analysis (DCA) based on. Flores Orozco, A., Gallistl, J., Bücker, M., & Williams, K. H. (2017)., Decay curve analysis for data error quantification in time-domain induced polarization imaging., Geophysics, 83(2), 1–48. https://doi.org/10.1190/geo2016-0714.1
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey to use for processing. Default index == -1 will apply the processing to all surveys.
- dumpfunction, optional
Function onto pass the progress.
- filterDummy(index=-1)
Remove measurements where abs(a-b) != abs(m-n) (likely to be dummy measurements added for speed).
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey to process. If index == -1 (default) then the processing is applied on all survey independantly.
- filterElec(elec=[], index=-1)
Filter out measurements associated with specific electrodes.
- Parameters:
- eleclist
List of electrode number to be removed.
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey on which to apply the processing. If the processing is to be applied to all surveys then specifiy index=-1 (default).
- filterInvError(index=-1, vmin=None, vmax=None)
Remove measurements where inversion error is outside of the defined range.
- Parameters:
- vminfloat, optional
minimum value of normalized error below which data will be discarded.
- vmaxfloat, optional
maximum value of normalized error above which data will be discarded.
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey to process. If index == -1 (default) then the processing is applied on all survey independantly.
- filterManual(index=-1, ax=None, **kwargs)
Interactive manually filters the data visually. The manually selected points index are stored in Survey.iselect or Survey.eselect``if it is an electrodes. Use `Survey.filterData() to filter them out for a single survey. Or R2._filterSimilarQuads() to filter quadrupoles amongs all R2.surveys.
- filterNegative()
Remove negative apparent resistivty values
- filterNested(index=-1)
Removes nested measurements: Where M or N are in between A and B.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey to fit. If index == -1 (default) then the fit is done on all surveys independantly. If ìndex == -2 then the fit is done on the combined surveys.
- filterRangeIP(index=-1, phimin=None, phimax=None)
Filter IP data according to a specified range.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey to fit. If index == -1 (default) then the fit is done on all surveys independantly.
- phiminfloat, optional
Minimium phase angle [mrad].
- phimaxfloat, optional
Maximum phase angle [mrad].
- filterRecip(percent=20, index=-1)
Filter on reciprocal errors.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey on which to apply the processing. If the processing is to be applied to all surveys then specifiy index=-1 (default).
- percentfloat, optional
Percentage of reciprocal error above witch a measurement will be discarded. 20% by default.
- filterRecipIP(index=0)
Remove reciprocal for IP data ONLY. Additional arguments to be passed to :func: ~resipy.Survey.filterRecipIP.
- filterStack(percent=2, index=-1)
Filter on stacking (dev) errors.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey on which to apply the processing. If the processing is to be applied to all surveys then specifiy index=-1 (default).
- percentfloat, optional
Percentage of stacking error above witch a measurement will be discarded. 2% by default.
- filterTransferRes(index=-1, vmin=None, vmax=None)
Filter measurements by transfer resistance.
- Parameters:
- vminfloat, optional
Minimum value.
- vmaxfloat, optional
Maximum value.
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey on which to apply the processing. If the processing is to be applied to all surveys then specifiy index=-1 (default).
- filterUnpaired(index=-1)
Remove quadrupoles that don’t have reciprocals. This might remove dummy measurements added for sequence optimization.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey on which to apply the processing. If the processing is to be applied to all surveys then specifiy index=-1 (default).
- filterZeroMeasSurveys()
Filter out badly behaved surveys, where after all other QC no measurements are actually left.
- fitErrorLME(index=-1, ax=None, rpath=None, iplot=True)
Fit a linear mixed effect (LME) model by having the electrodes as as grouping variables.
- Parameters:
- Index of the survey to fit. If `index == -1` (default) then the fit
is done on all surveys independantly. If ìndex == -2 then the fit is done on the combined surveys.
- axmatplotlib.Axes, optional
If specified, the graph will be plotted against this axis, otherwise a new figure will be created.
- rpathstr, optional
Path of the directory with R (for Windows only).
- iplotbool, optional
If True plot it.
- fitErrorLin(index=-1, ax=None)
Fit a linear relationship to the resistivity data.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey to fit. If index == -1 (default) then the fit is done on all surveys independantly. If ìndex == -2 then the fit is done on the combined surveys.
- axmatplotlib axis, optional
If specified, graph will be plotted on the given axis.
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib figure, optional
If ax is not specified, the function will return a figure object.
- fitErrorParabolaIP(index=-1, ax=None)
Plot the reciprocal phase errors with a parabola fit.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey to fit. If index == -1 (default) then the fit is done on all surveys independantly. If ìndex == -2 then the fit is done on the combined surveys.
- axmatplotlib axis, optional
If specified, graph will be plotted on the given axis.
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib figure, optional
If ax is not specified, the function will return a figure object.
- fitErrorPwl(index=-1, ax=None)
Fit an power law to the resistivity data.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey to fit. If index == -1 (default) then the fit is done on all surveys independantly. If ìndex == -2 then the fit is done on the combined surveys.
- axmatplotlib axis, optional
If specified, graph will be plotted on the given axis.
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib figure, optional
If ax is not specified, the function will return a figure object.
- fitErrorPwlIP(index=-1, ax=None)
Plot the reciprocal phase errors with a power-law fit.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey to fit. If index == -1 (default) then the fit is done on all surveys independantly. If ìndex == -2 then the fit is done on the combined surveys.
- axmatplotlib axis, optional
If specified, graph will be plotted on the given axis.
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib figure, optional
If ax is not specified, the function will return a figure object.
- fixLegendItems(ax)
Display legend items with survey names in the case of fitting individual error models to multiple data sets.
- Parameters:
- axmatplotlib axes
Axes handle with reciprocal error plots in it.
- forward(noise=0.0, noiseIP=0.0, iplot=False, dump=None)
Operates forward modelling.
- Parameters:
- noisefloat, optional 0% <= noise <= 100%
Noise level in percent from a Gaussian distribution that should be applied on the forward apparent resistivities obtained.
- noiseIPfloat, optional
Absolute noise level in mrad from a Gaussian distribution that should be applied on the forward phase values obtained.
- iplotbool, optional
If True will plot the pseudo section after the forward modelling.
- dumpfunction, optional
Function to print information messages when running the forward model.
- generateElec(nb=24, dx=0.5, dz=0, nline=1, lineSpacing=2)
Generate electrodes positions for 2D and 3D surveys.
- Parameters:
- nbint, optional
Number of electrodes per line. For 3D survey, if multiple lines, the total number of electrodes will be nb x nline.
- dxfloat, optional
Spacing in meters between electrodes in the X direction.
- dzfloat, optional
Increment in the Z direction (elevation) between consecutive electrodes.
- nlineint, optional
Number of lines. 1 for 2D and multiple for 3D.
- lineSpacingfloat, optional
Spacing between lines (3D only).
- getR2out()
Reat the .out file and parse its content.
- Returns:
- Dataframe with the dataset name, and the RMS decrease for each iteration.
- getResults(dirname=None)
Collect inverted results after running the inversion and adding them to R2.meshResults list.
- Parameters:
- dirnamestr, optional
If specified, dirname will be used as the working directory (this is needed for R2.loadResults()). Default is self.dirname.
- hasElecString()
Determine if a electrode strings are present in the electrode labels
- Returns:
- bool
True if strings present in electrode label
- importElec(fname='')
Import electrodes positions.
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
Path of the CSV (or file containing the electrodes positions. It should contains 3 columns maximum with the X, Y, Z positions of the electrodes.
- importMesh(file_path, mesh_type=None, node_pos=None, elec=None, order_nodes=True, res0=100)
Import mesh from .vtk / .msh / .dat, rather than having ResIPy create one for you.
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr
File path mapping to the mesh file
- mesh_typestr
Not used anymore.
- node_posarray like, optional
Array of ints referencing the electrode nodes. If left as none no electrodes will be added to the mesh class. Consider using mesh.moveElecNodes() to add nodes to mesh using their xyz coordinates.
- elecarray, optional
N*3 numpy array of electrode x,y,z coordinates. Electrode node positions will be computed by finding the nearest nodes to the relevant coordinates.
- res0float, optional
Starting resistivity for mesh elements.
- importPseudo3DElec(fname='')
Import electrodes positions. The label columns should include line number separated by space (like in 3D):
label,x,y,z 1 3,0,0,0 1 4,1,1,0 1 5,1,2,1
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
Path of the CSV file containing the electrodes positions. It should contains 3 columns maximum with the X, Y, Z positions of the electrodes.
- importSequence(fname='')
Import sequence for forward modelling.
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
Path of the CSV file to be imported. The file must have 4 columns with headers (a, b, m, n) containing 4 electrodes numbers.
- invert(param={}, iplot=False, dump=None, err=None, modErr=False, parallel=False, iMoveElec=False, ncores=None, rmDirTree=True, modelDOI=False)
Invert the data, first generate R2.in file, then run inversion using appropriate wrapper, then return results.
- Parameters:
- paramdict, optional
Dictionary of parameters for inversion. Will be passed to R2.write2in().
- iplotbool, optional
If True, will plot the results of the inversion using R2.showResults().
- dumpfunction, optinal
Function to print the output of the inversion. To be passed to R2.runR2().
- errbool, optional
If ‘True’ reciprocal error model will be used to weight the inversion. Can be used to overide self.err. Default is None (in which case self.err sets the inclusion of error weighting).
- modErrbool, optional
If True, the model error will be compute and added before inversion.
- parallelbool, optional
If True, batch and time-lapse survey will be inverted in //. No output will be display during inversion.
- iMoveElecbool, optional
If True, then different electrode location will be used for the different surveys. Electrodes location are specified in the Survey object. Only for parallel inversion for now.
- ncoresint, optional
If parallel==True then ncores is the number of cores to use (by default all the cores available are used).
- rmDirTreebool, optional
Remove excess directories and files created during parallel inversion
- modelDOIbool, optional
If True, the Depth of Investigation will be model by reinverting the data on with an initial res0 different of an order of magnitude. Note that this option is only available for single survey.
- invertPseudo3D(invLog=None, runParallel=False, **kwargs)
Run pseudo3D inversions.
- Parameters:
- invLogfunction, optional
Passes project inversion outputs.
- runParallelbool
if True, inversions will run in parallel based on number of CPU cores.
- kwargs-
Keyword arguments to be passed to invert().
- loadProject(fname)
Load data from project file.
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
Path where the file will be saved.
- loadResults(invdir)
Given working directory, will attempt to load the results of an already run inversion.
- Parameters:
- invdirstr
Path to the inversion directory.
- matchSurveys()
Will trim all surveys to get them ready for difference inversion so that each PAIRS of (background, surveyX) have the same number of quadrupoles. We do not take all quadrupoles in common among all surveys as this is not needed and if there is a small survey, it would reduce all other larger surveys.
- mergeElec(dist=-1)
Merge electrodes that have less than a certain distance to eache other
- Parameters:
- distfloat, optional
maximum distance of close electrodes in meters (electrodes that have a distance less than dist will be merged) -1 flag for auto calculation where dist = average(electrode spacing)/100
- Returns:
- bool
True: merge successful False: merge unsuccessful
- modelDOI(dump=None)
Will rerun the inversion with a background constrain (alpha_s) with the normal background and then a background 10 times more resistive. From the two different inversion a senstivity limit will be computed.
- normElecIdx()
Normalise electrode indexes to start at 1 in consective and ascending order.
- postProcTl()
Post processing for time-lapse surveys.
Compute the absolute and the relative difference in resistivity between inverted surveys.
- resetRegions()
Just reset all regions already drawn. Shouldn’t be needed as the self.runR2() automatically use a homogenous model when starting for inversion. The only purpose of this is to use an inhomogeous starting model to invert data from forward modelling.
- runParallel(dirname=None, dump=None, iMoveElec=False, ncores=None, rmDirTree=True)
Run several instances of R2 in parallel according to the number of cores available.
- Parameters:
- dirnamestr, optional
Path of the working directory.
- dumpfunction, optional
Function to be passed to R2.runR2() for printing output during inversion.
- iMoveElecbool, optional
If True will move electrodes according to their position in each Survey object.
- ncoresint, optional
Number or cores to use. If None, the maximum number of cores available will be used.
- rmDirTree: bool, optional
Remove excess directories and files created during parallel. Default is True.
- runR2(dirname='', dump=None)
Run the executable in charge of the inversion.
- Parameters:
- dirnamestr, optional
Path of the directory where to run the inversion code.
- dumpfunction, optional
Function to print the output of the invrsion code while running.
- saveCwd(outputdir)
Save all ouputs (_res.dat, .vtk, …) from the working directory generated during inversion to the designated directory.
- Parameters:
- outputdirstr
Path to the directory to save the files.
- saveData(outputdir)
Saves all data generated by ResIPy in the current working directory to a specified folder. Serves same function as Project.saveCwd() but retained for backwards compability.
- Parameters:
- outputdirstr
Path to the directory to save the files.
- saveErrorData(fname)
Save quadruople, resistance, phase and their respective reciprocal errors as .csv file.
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
Path where to save the file.
- saveFilteredData(fname, savetyp='Res2DInv (*.dat)')
Save filtered data in formats to be used outside ResIPy (e.g. Res2DInv).
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
Path where to save the file.
- savetypstr, optional
Saving format. To be determined in GUI. Default: Res2DInv (.dat)
- saveForwardModelResult(fname)
Save the result of a forward model run to a specific file name/
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
path to file.
- saveInvPlots(outputdir=None, **kwargs)
Save all plots to output (or working directory). Parameters are passed to the showResults() method.
- Parameters:
- outputdirstr, optional
Path of the output directory. Default is the working directory.
- saveMesh(outputname=None)
Save mesh as .vtk to be viewed in paraview.
- Parameters:
- outputnamestr, optional
- Output path with extension. Available mesh format are:
.vtk (Paraview)
.node (Tetgen)
.dat (R* codes)
If not provided the mesh is saved in the working directory as mesh.vtk.
- saveMeshVtk(outputname=None)
Save mesh as .vtk to be viewed in paraview.
- Parameters:
- outputnamestr, optional
Output path of the .vtk produced. By default the mesh is saved in the working directory self.dirname as mesh.vtk.
- saveProject(fname)
Save the current project will all dataset in custom ResIPy format (.resipy) for future importation.
- saveSequence(fname='')
Save sequence as .csv file.
- Parameters:
- fnamestr, optional
Path where to save the sequence.
- saveVtks(dirname=None)
Save vtk files of inversion results to a specified directory.
- Parameters:
- dirname: str
Directory in which results will be saved. Default is the working directory.
- setBorehole(val=False)
Set all surveys in borehole type if True is passed.
- setCoordConv(flag=False, x0=None, y0=None, a=None)
Set that the project should be imported and exported according to a coordinate conversion system. Generally UTM coordinates will cause stability issues with mesh generation and the finite element solutions used in the R* codes, hence the we use a local coordinate system. Call this function before creating the mesh.
- Parameters:
- flagbool, optional
Flag if coordinate conversion system is required. The default is False. If flag is false but Project.coordLocal is True then the function can be used to rvert electrode coordinates back to their initial position.
- x0float, optional
Reference X coordinate in UTM system. The default is None. If left as none, then the minimum X coordinate of the electrodes will be used.
- y0float, optional
Reference Y coordinate in UTM system. The default is None. If left as none, then the minimum Y coordinate of the electrodes will be used.
- afloat, optional
Rotation angle in degrees. The default is 0.
- setElec(elec, elecList=None, _uiOverideCoordLocal=False)
Set electrodes. Automatically identified remote electrode.
- Parameters:
- elecnumpy array
Array of NxM dimensions. N = number of electrodes, M = 2 for x,z or M = 3 if x,y,z coordinates are supplied.
- elecListlist, optional
If not None then elec is ignored in favor of elecList. This option is to be used in the advanced use case where electrodes move which each survey. Each entry of the list is a numpy array the same format of ‘elec’, which is then assigned to each survey class.
- _uiOverideCoordLocal: bool, optional
UI command only, set to to True when updating the project electrodes in the UI.
- static setNcores(ncores)
Set the number of cores to use for big calculations, for now this value only to mesh generation and calculations done on 3D meshes.
- Parameters:
- ncoresint
Number of cores to use
- Raises
- ——
- EnvironmentError
Raised if ncores is more than that avialable
- setPseudo3DElec(elec)
- Set pseudo 3D electrodes (with an electrode label as:
<line number> <electrode number>).
- Parameters:
- elecListlist of dataframes, optional
List of electrodes dataframes - each df must have 2D like XYZ (rotated to have y=0).
- setRefModel(res0)
Set the reference model according to a previous inversion, avoids the need to invert reference model again for timelapse workflows. In contrast to R2.setStartingRes() which assign resistivity to group of elements, this method requires a vector of the same length as the number of elements. This enables, notably to manually perform consecutive background constrained inversion.
- Parameters:
- res0: array like
Array of resistivity values, ideally from a previous inversion. The length of this array should be the same as the number of elements.
- setStartingRes(regionValues={}, zoneValues={}, fixedValues={}, ipValues={})
Assign starting resitivity values.
- Parameters:
- regionValuesdict, optional
Dictionnary with key being the region number and the value being the resistivity in [Ohm.m].
- zoneValuesdict, optional
Dictionnary with key being the region number and the zone number. There would be no smoothing between the zones if ‘block inversion’ is selected (inversion_type = 4).
- fixedValuesdict, optional
Dictionnary with key being the region number and a boolean value if we want to fix the resistivity of the zone to the starting one. Note that it only works for triangular mesh for now.
- ipValuesdict, optional
Dictionnary with key being the region number and the values beeing the phase [mrad].
- setTitle(linetitle)
Set the title of the survey name when inverting data. Input is a string.
- setwd(dirname)
Set the working directory.
- Parameters:
- dirnamestr
Path of the working directory.
- showError(index=0, ax=None)
Plot the reciprocal errors.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey to plot. If index == -1 then all combined data of all survey will be plotted together. Default is to plot the first survey (index==0).
- axmatplotlib axis, optional
If specified, graph will be plotted on the given axis.
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib figure, optional
If ax is not specified, the function will return a figure object.
- showErrorDist(index=0, ax=None)
Calculate and plots reciprocal error probablity histogram. Good data will have a bell shape (normal) distribution where most datapoints have near zero reciprocal error.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey to plot. Default is first survey index == 0. If index == -2 then the error distribution of the combined data will be plotted.
- axMatplotlib.Axes
If specified, the graph will be plotted against it.
- showErrorIP(index=0, ax=None)
Plot the reciprocal phase discrepancies against the reciprocal mean transfer resistance.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey to show. Default is the first survey index == 0. If ìndex == -2 then the combined data from all surveys are shown.
- axmatplotlib axis, optional
If specified, graph will be plotted on the given axis.
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib.Figure, optional
If ax is not specified, the function will return a figure object.
- showHeatmap(index=0, ax=None)
Plot a phase heatmap (x = M, y = A and value = -phi) based on: Orozco, A. F., K. H. Williams, and A. Kemna (2013), Time-lapse spectral induced polarization imaging of stimulated uranium bioremediation, Near Surf. Geophys., 11(5), 531–544, doi:10.3997/1873-0604.2013020)
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey to fit. Default is the first survey index == 0.
- axmatplotlib axis, optional
If specified, graph will be plotted on the given axis.
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib figure, optional
If ax is not specified, the function will return a figure object.
- showInParaview(index=0, paraview_loc=None)
Open paraview to display the .vtk file.
- Parameters:
- index: int, optional
Timestep to be shown in paraview (for an individual survey this 1).
- paraview_loc: str, optional
Windows ONLY maps to the excuatable paraview.exe. The program will attempt to find the location of the paraview install if not given.
- showInvError(index=0, ax=None)
Display inversion error by measurment numbers.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of survey (if time-lapse or batch). Default index == 0.
- axmatplotlib axis
If provided, the graph will be plotted against this axis.
- showIter(index=-2, ax=None, modelDOI=False, cropMaxDepth=False)
Dispay temporary inverted section after each iteration.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Iteration number to show.
- axmatplotib axis, optional
If specified, the graph will be plotted along ax.
- modelDOIbool, optional
As modelDOI() is always computed using R2 (not cR2), this tells the method to look for an R2 looking iteration file.
- cropMaxDepthbool, optional
if True, below max depth will be cropped
- showMesh(ax=None, **kwargs)
Display the mesh and handles best default values.
- showMeshInParaview(paraview_loc=None)
Show the mesh in paraview (mostly useful for 3D surveys.
- Parameters:
- paraview_loc: str, optional
Windows ONLY maps to the excuatable paraview.exe. The program will attempt to find the location of the paraview install if not given.
- showParam()
Print parameters in R2.param dictionary.
- showPseudo(index=0, vmin=None, vmax=None, ax=None, **kwargs)
Plot pseudo-section with dots.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey to be used for the pseudo-section (in case of timelapse or batch).
- vminfloat, optional
Minimum value for colorscale.
- vmaxfloat, optional
Maximum value for colorscale.
- axmatplotlib.Axes, optional
If specified, axis along which to plot the graph.
- **kwargsoptional
Passed to Survey.showPseudo().
- showPseudo3DMesh(ax=None, color_map='Greys', meshList=None, cropMesh=True, color_bar=False, returnMesh=False, cropMaxDepth=False, clipCorners=False, pvshow=True, **kwargs)
Show 2D meshes in 3D view
- Parameters:
- axmatplotlib axis, optional
If specified, graph will be plotted on the given axis.
- color_mapstr, optional
Name of the colormap to be used.
- meshListlist of Mesh classes
If not None, pseudo 3D meshes will be plotted by default.
- cropMeshbool, optional
If True, 2D mesh will be bound to electrodes and zlim.
- color_barBoolean, optional
True to plot colorbar.
- returnMesh: bool, optional
if True method returns a merged mesh.
- cropMaxDepthbool, optional
If True, region below fine mesh depth (fmd) will be cropped.
- clipCornersbool, optional
If ‘True’, triangles from bottom corners will be cropped (only if the whole mesh is not shown).
- pvshowbool, optional
Set to False to not call Plotter.show() (useful for subplots).
- kwargs-
Keyword arguments to be passed to Mesh.show() class.
- showPseudo3DResults(cropMesh=False, **kwargs)
Show 2D Inversions in 3D view
- Parameters:
- cropMeshbool, optional
If True, 2D mesh will be bound to electrodes and zlim.
- kwargs-
Keyword arguments to be passed to showPseudo3DMesh().
- showPseudoIP(index=0, vmin=None, vmax=None, ax=None, **kwargs)
Plot pseudo-section with dots for IP data.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey to be used for the pseudo-section (in case of timelapse or batch).
- vminfloat, optional
Minimum value for colorscale.
- vmaxfloat, optional
Maximum value for colorscale.
- axmatplotlib.Axes, optional
If specified, axis along which to plot the graph.
- **kwargsoptional
Passed to Survey.showPseudoIP().
- showPseudoInvError(index=0, ax=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, elec=True)
Plot pseudo section of errors from file f001_err.dat.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey (if time-lapse or batch). Default index == 0.
- axmatplotlib axis
If specified, the graph will be plotted against ax.
- vminfloat, optional
Min value.
- vmaxfloat, optional
Max value.
- elecbool, optional
If True, the electrodes are displayed and can be used for filtering.
- showPseudoInvErrorIP(index=0, ax=None, vmin=None, vmax=None)
Display normalized phase error.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey (if time-lapse or batch). Default index == 0.
- axmatplotlib axis
If specified, the graph will be plotted against ax.
- vminfloat, optional
Min value.
- vmaxfloat, optional
Max value.
- showRMS(index=0, ax=None)
Show the RMS decrease for each iteration.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the dataset for which to plot the RMS.
- axmatplotlib axis, optional
If provided, the graph will be plotted against it.
- showResults(index=0, ax=None, edge_color='none', attr='', sens=True, color_map='viridis', zlim=None, clabel=None, doi=False, doiSens=False, contour=False, cropMaxDepth=True, clipContour=True, clipCorners=False, use_pyvista=True, background_color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), pvslices=([], [], []), pvspline=None, pvthreshold=None, pvgrid=True, pvcontour=[], pvdelaunay3d=False, volume=None, **kwargs)
Show the inverteds section.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the inverted section (mainly in the case of time-lapse inversion). If index == -1, then all 2D survey will be plotted on a 3D grid.
- axmatplotlib axis, optional
If specified, the inverted graph will be plotted agains ax.
- edge_colorstr, optional
Color of the edges of the mesh.
- attrstr, optional
Name of the attribute to be plotted.
- sensbool, optional
If True and if sensitivity is available, it will be plotted as a white transparent shade on top of the inverted section.
- color_mapstr, optional
Name of the colormap to be used.
- clabelstr, optional
Label of the colorbar (by default the label is the value of attr).
- doibool, optional
If True, it will draw a dotted red line corresponding to 0.02 from the Oldenburg and Li method. Note that R2.modeDOI() needs to be run for that.
- doiSensbool, optional
If True, it will draw a dashed line corresponding to 0.001 of the maximum of the log10 sensitivity.
- contourbool, optional
If True, contours will be plotted.
- cropMaxDepthbool, optional
If True, the mesh will be clipped with at a depth following the surface. If False, the mesh will be clipped at the maximum depth available. This doesn’t have any effect if clipContour is False.
- clipContourbool, optional
If True, the contour of the area of interest will be clipped (default).
- clipCornersbool, optional
If ‘True’, triangles from bottom corners will be cropped (only if the whole mesh is not shown).
- use_pyvistabool, optional
(3D only) Use visual toolkit backend for displaying 3D mesh, note that pyvista must be installed for this to work.
- background_colortuple, optional
(3D only) Background color assigned to pyvista plotter object when created. Not yet supported for matplotlib axis handles.
- pvslicestuple of list of float, optional
(3D only) Determine the X, Y, Z slices. e.g.: ([3], [], [-3, -4]) will add a slice normal to X in 3 and two slices normal to Z in -3 and -4.
- pvspline‘elec’ or numpy array, optional
(3D only) If ‘elec’ mesh will be sliced along the electrodes path otherwise an array of X, Y, Z of points on a path to slice the mesh along that path is needed.
- pvthresholdlist of two floats, optional
(3D only) Keep values between pvthreshold[0] and pvthreshold[1].
- pvgridbool, optional
(3D only) Show grid or not.
- pvcontour: list of float, optional
(3D only) Values of the isosurface to be plotted.
- pvdelaunay3dbool, optional
If True a “Delaunay 3D” triangulation filter will be applied on the mesh.
- volumefloat, optional
If not ‘None’ then volume of selected region of the mesh will be printed onto the pyvista plot.
- showSlice(index=0, ax=None, attr=None, axis='z', vmin=None, vmax=None)
Show slice of 3D mesh interactively.
- Parameters:
- indexint, optional
Index of the survey. Default is first survey (index == 0).
- axmatplotlib.Axes, optional
Axis on which to plot the graph.
- attrstr, optional
Attribute to plot. Default is ‘Resistivity(ohm.m)’.
- axisstr, optional
Either ‘x’, ‘y’, or ‘z’ (default).
- vminfloat, optional
Minimum value for colorbar.
- vmaxfloat, optional
Maximum value for colorbar.
- split3DGrid(elec=None, changeLabel=True)
Split self.elec to available lines based on ‘label’
- Parameters:
- elecdataframe, optional
Contains the electrodes information. “label” column must be provided and have “<line number> <electrode number>” format.
- changeLablebool, optional
If True, the line number will be dropped from labels - Flase for GUI related surveys.
- Returns:
- elecListlist of dataframes
List of electrodes dataframes - each df can have a 3D like XYZ.
- static topo2distance(x, y, z)
Convert 3d xy data in pure x lateral distance. Use for 2D data only!
- write2in(param={}, err=None)
Create configuration file for inversion. Write mesh.dat and res0.dat.
- Parameters:
- paramdict
Dictionnary of parameters and values for the inversion settings.
- err: bool
Used to overide self.err.
- write2protocol(err=None, errTot=False, fm0=None, **kwargs)
Write a protocol.dat file for the inversion code.
- Parameters:
- errbool, optional
If True error columns will be written in protocol.dat provided an error model has been fitted or errors have been imported.
- errTotbool, optional
If True, it will compute the modelling error due to the mesh and add it to the error from an error model.
- fm0numpy.array of float, optional
Only for 3D time-lapse with reg_mode == 2 (difference inversion). Response of the inverted reference survey according to sequence of the reference survey as transfer resistance (Ohm).
- **kwargsoptional
To be passed to Survey.write2protocol().
- class resipy.Project.R2(*args, **kwargs)
- class resipy.Project.cd(newPath)
Context manager for changing the current working directory
- resipy.Project.cudaRm(invdir)
Compute Resolution and Covariance matrix for 2D problems using nVIDIA GPU.
- Parameters:
- invdirstring
Inversion directory used by R2.
- Returns:
- covarnd array
Values along the diagonal of the coviarance matrix.
- rematnd array
Values along the diagonal of the Resolution matrix..
- resipy.Project.getSysStat()
Return processor speed and usage, and free RAM and usage.
- Returns:
- cpu_speed: float
in Mhz.
- cpu_usage: float
in percent.
- ram_avail: float
avialable memory.
- ram_usage: float
in percent.
- ram_total: float
total memory in gb
- resipy.Project.parallelRm(invdir)
Compute Resolution and Covariance matrix for 2D problems using multicore CPU. Behaves the same as cudaRm but uses numpy / openBlas.
- Parameters:
- invdirstring
Inversion directory used by R2.
- Returns:
- covarnd array
Values along the diagonal of the coviarance matrix.
- rematnd array
Values along the diagonal of the Resolution matrix..
- resipy.Project.systemCheck(dump=<built-in function print>)
Performs a simple diagnostic of the system, no input commands needed. System info is printed to screen, number of CPUs, memory and OS. This check is useful for parallel processing.
- Parameters:
- dumpfunction
stdout dump
- Returns:
- system_info: dict
Dictionary keys refer information about the system
Created on Fri Jun 1 11:21:54 2018
@author: ResIPy’s core developers
- class resipy.Survey.Survey(fname=None, ftype='', df=None, elec=None, name='', spacing=None, parser=None, keepAll=True, debug=True, compRecip=True)
Class that handles geophysical data and some basic functions. One instance is created for each survey.
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
Name of the file where the data are.
- ftypestr
Type of the data file. This setting is not read if a parser is not None.
- dfpandas.DataFrame, optional
Pandas dataframe with ‘a’,’b’,’m’,’n’ columns as string and at least a column ‘resist’ as float. Can be provided alternatively to fname.
- elecpandas.DataFrame, optional
Pandas dataframe with ‘x’,’y’,’z’,’buried’,’remote’ columns. ‘x’,’y’,’z’ as float, ‘buried’ and ‘remote’ as bool. Should be provided alternatively to fname.
- namestr
A personal name for the survey.
- spacingfloat, optional
This will be passed to the parser function to determine the electrode positions.
- parserfunction, optional
If provided, it should return tuple containing elec a 3 columns array containing electrodes position and data a pandas.DataFrame with the a,b,m,n,resist columns at least and ip if present.
- keepAll: bool, optional
If True will keep all the measurements even the ones without reciprocal. Note that if none of the quadrupoles have reciprocal they will all be kept anyway.
- compRecip: bool, optional
Compute reciprocal errors, default is True.
- addData(fname, ftype='Syscal', parser=None)
Add data to the actual survey (for instance the reciprocal if they are not in the same file).
- addFilteredIP()
Add filtered IP data after IP filtering and pre-processing. This is because the IP filtering is done on a different dataframe and only merged when called this method.
- addPerError(pnct=2.5)
Add a flat percentage error to resistivity data.
- Parameters:
- pnct: float
Error in percent
- checkTxSign(inplace=True)
Check the sign of the measurement apparent resistivities. For example this is a necessary step for surveys using the syscal instrument as the polarity of measurements is not recorded.
- Parameters:
- inplace: bool
If True, Change the sign of transfer if they are negative. Defualt is True.
- computeK()
Compute geometric factors, if any buried electrodes present then the generalised function for buried electrodes will be used, otherwise all electrodes are assumed to be on a flat surface.
- Returns:
- K: array like
Geometric factors for each measurement in Survey.df (dataframe)
- computeKborehole(Gl=None)
Compute geometric factor for a borehole survey assuming a flat 2D surface. Gl = ground level. Calculated according to Eq 4.9 of Binley and Slater (2020).
- computeKsurface()
Compute geomatrix factor (assuming flat surface) and store it in self.df[‘K’].
- computeReciprocal(alg='Bisection Search')
Compute Reciprocals and store them in self.df (the dataframe)
- Parameters:
- algstr, optional
Algorithm used to compute reciprocals. Choose between ‘Bisection Search’, ‘Pandas Merge’ or ‘Array Expansion’. The default is ‘Bisection Search’, other string are casted to ‘Array Expansion’.
If the relevant cython code cannot be found then the function falls back to using the pandas merge approach.
- computeReciprocalC()
Compute reciprocal measurements. using a bisection seach in cython! Parameters ———- forceSign: bool, optional
Force reciprocal and forward measurements to have the same polarity regarding the calculation of the reciprocal errors. Default is False.
The method first sorts the dipole AB and MN. Then efficiently searches for reciprocal pairs with a bisection search.
- computeReciprocalN()
Compute reciprocal measurements using numpy array expansion.
The method first sorts the dipole AB and MN. Then creates a reciprocal quadrupole matrix. These matrices are then used with numpy.equal to produce a 2D matrix from which reciprocal are extracted.
- computeReciprocalP()
Compute reciprocal measurements using pandas.merge().
This algorithm create two dataframes with ABMN and MNAB then use the pd.merge() function to match normal and their reciprocal. The resulting merged dataframe contains indexes of both ABMN and MNAB dataframes and is used to populate the irecip column.
- convertLocalGrid()
Converts UTM grid to local grid for mesh stability
- elec2distance()
Convert 3d xy data in pure x lateral distance. Use for 2D data only!
- elec2horidist()
Convert 2D xz data into a true horizontal distance. Assumes that survey was done with a tape measure and the X distances are not true horizontal distance but distances measured along the ground.
- estimateError(a_wgt=0.01, b_wgt=0.02)
Estimate reciprocal error data for data with no reciprocals, following the same routine present in R2. This allows for the additional inclusion of modelling errors.
- Parameters:
- a_wgt: float, optional
a_wgt documented in the R2 documentation
- b_wgt: float, optional
b_wgt documented in the R2 documentation
- exportSrv(fname=None)
Export .srv format for which is compatible with E4D. The e4d survey file includes the electrode locations, in addition to the scheduling matrix.
- Parameters:
- fname: string, optional
Where the output file will be written to. By default the file will take on the name of the survey and is written to the current working directory.
- filterAppResist(vmin=None, vmax=None, debug=True)
Filter measurements by apparent resistivity for surface surveys
- Parameters:
- vminfloat, optional
Minimum value.
- vmaxfloat, optional
Maximum value.
- debugbool, optional
Print output to screen. Default is True.
- filterContRes(vmin=None, vmax=None, debug=True)
Filter measurements by transfer resistance.
- Parameters:
- vminfloat, optional
Minimum value.
- vmaxfloat, optional
Maximum value.
- debugbool, optional
Print output to screen. Default is True.
- filterDCA(dump=None)
Execute DCA filtering. Decay Curve Analysis (DCA) based on. Flores Orozco, A., Gallistl, J., Bücker, M., & Williams, K. H. (2017)., Decay curve analysis for data error quantification in time-domain induced polarization imaging., Geophysics, 83(2), 1–48. https://doi.org/10.1190/geo2016-0714.1
- Parameters:
- dumpfunction, optional
Callback function to print the progress in percent.
- filterData(i2keep)
Filter out the data not retained in i2keep.
- Parameters:
- i2keepndarray of bool
Index where all measurement to be retained are True and the others False.
- filterDefault(recompute_recip=True)
Remove NaN, Inf and duplicates values in the data frame.
- filterDummy()
Remove measurements where abs(a-b) != abs(m-n) (likely to be dummy measurements added for speed).
- filterElec(elec=[], debug=True)
Filter out specific electrodes given.
- Parameters:
- eleclist
List of electrode number to be removed.
- debugbool, optional
Print output to screen. Default is True.
- filterInvError(vmin=None, vmax=None, debug=False)
Filter measurements by inversion error.
- Parameters:
- vminfloat, optional
Minimum error.
- vmaxfloat, optional
Maximum error.
- debugbool, optional
Print output to screen. Default is False.
- filterManual(attr='app', ax=None, log=False, label=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, elec=True, darkMode=False, flag3d=False)
Manually filters the data visually. The points manually selected are flagged in the Survey.iselect vector and can subsequently be removed by calling Survey.filterData(~Survey.iselect).
- Parameters:
- attrstr, optional
Columns of Survey.df to use for plotting. Default is app (apparent resistivity).
- axmatplotlib axis, optional
If specified, the graph is plotted along the axis.
- logbool, optional
If True then all data will be log transformed.
- labelstr, optional
Label of the colorbar. If None, will be given from the ‘attr’ argument.
- vminfloat, optional
Minimum value.
- vmaxfloat, optional
Maximum value.
- elecbool, optional
If True, the electrodes are shown and can be used for filtering.
- darkModebool, optional
If true, electrodes wil be plotted in white, else black
- flag3d: bool, optional
If true, function exits before
- filterNegative()
Remove negative apparent resistivty values
- filterNested()
Removes nested measurements: Where M or N are in between A and B
- filterRangeIP(phimin, phimax)
Filter IP data according to a specified range.
- Parameters:
- phiminfloat
Minimium phase angle [mrad].
- phimaxfloat
Maximum phase angle [mrad].
- filterRecip(percent=20, debug=True)
Filter measurements based on the level reciprocal error.
- Parameters:
- percentfloat, optional
Percentage level of reciprocal error in which to filter the measurements. Percentage Errors > percentage will be removed. By default the value is 20.
- debugbool, optional
Print output to screen. Default is True.
- filterRecipIP()
Removing reciprocal measurements from dataset - only for visualization purposes on heatmap()
- filterStack(percent=2, debug=True)
Filter measurements based on the stacking error.
- Parameters:
- percentfloat, optional
Percentage level of stacking error in which to filter the measurements. Percentage Errors > percentage will be removed. By default the value is 2.
- debugbool, optional
Print output to screen. Default is True.
- filterTransferRes(vmin=None, vmax=None, debug=True)
Filter measurements by transfer resistance.
- Parameters:
- vminfloat, optional
Minimum value.
- vmaxfloat, optional
Maximum value.
- debugbool, optional
Print output to screen. Default is True.
- filterUnpaired()
Remove quadrupoles that don’t have a reciprocals. This might remove dummy measurements added for sequence optimization.
- fitErrorLME(iplot=True, ax=None, rpath=None)
Fit a linear mixed effect (LME) model by having the electrodes as as grouping variables.
- Parameters:
- iplotbool, optional
If True, then a graph will be plotted.
- axmatplotlib.Axes, optional
If specified, the graph will be plotted against this axis, otherwise a new figure will be created.
- rpathstr, optional
Path of the directory with R (for Windows only).
- fitErrorLin(ax=None)
Fit a linear relationship to the resistivity data.
- Parameters:
- axmatplotlib axis, optional
If specified, graph will be plotted on the given axis.
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib figure, optional
If ax is not specified, the function will return a figure object.
- fitErrorParabolaIP(ax=None)
Plot the reciprocal phase errors with a parabola fit.
- Parameters:
- axmatplotlib axis, optional
If specified, graph will be plotted on the given axis.
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib figure, optional
If ax is not specified, the function will return a figure object.
- fitErrorPwl(ax=None)
Fit an power law to the resistivity data.
- Parameters:
- axmatplotlib axis, optional
If specified, graph will be plotted on the given axis.
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib figure, optional
If ax is not specified, the function will return a figure object.
- fitErrorPwlIP(ax=None)
Plot the reciprocal phase errors with a power-law fit.
- Parameters:
- axmatplotlib axis, optional
If specified, graph will be plotted on the given axis.
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib figure, optional
If ax is not specified, the function will return a figure object.
- hasElecString()
Determine if a electrode strings are present in the electrode labels
- Returns:
- bool
True if strings present in electrode label
- static logClasses3(datax, datay, func, class1=None)
Perform a log class of datay based on datay and applied function func to each bin.
- Parameters:
- dataxarray
x values to be from which the log-classes will be made.
- datayarray
y values to which the function func will be applied inside each log-class
- funcfunction
Function to be applied to the y value of each log class.
- class1array, optional
Array of values for the log classes. If given, the limit of the classes will be computed as 10**class1
- Returns:
- mbinsarray
x-means of each bin.
- vbinsarray
Value of each bin (output of the function func).
- nbinsarray
Number of measurements in each bin.
- normElecIdx(debug=True)
Normalise the electrode indexing sequencing to start at 1 and ascend consectively (ie 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 … )
Function firstly normalises all indexes so that the lowest electrode number is 1. Then removes jumps in the electrode indexing.
- Parameters:
- debugbool, optional
Output will be printed to console if True.
- normElecIdxwSeq(expected=None)
Normalise the electrode indexing sequencing to start at 1 and ascend consectively (ie 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 … ). Also checks for any electrodes which are missing out of sequence if an expected sequence is given.
Function firstly normalises all indexes so that the lowest electrode number is 1. Then removes jumps in the electrode indexing.
- Parameters:
- expectedarray like
Expected sequence.
- static numFormating(numList)
Formats numbers between -1 to 1 based on their decimals. e.g., 0.00001 would be 1e-5 while 0.1 would remain 0.1
- Parameters:
- numList: list of floats
- setSeqIds()
Convert electrode labels to indexable integers, sets the class wide parameter ‘sequence’
- showError(ax=None)
Plot the reciprocal errors.
- Parameters:
- axmatplotlib axis, optional
If specified, graph will be plotted on the given axis.
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib figure, optional
If ax is not specified, the function will return a figure object.
- showErrorDist(ax=None)
Calculate and plots reciprocal error probablity histogram. Good data will have a bell shape (normal) distribution where most datapoints have near zero reciprocal error.
- Parameters:
- axMatplotlib.Axes
If specified, the graph will be plotted against it.
- showErrorIP(ax=None)
Plot the reciprocal phase discrepancies.
- Parameters:
- axmatplotlib axis, optional
If specified, graph will be plotted on the given axis.
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib figure, optional
If ax is not specified, the function will return a figure object.
- showHeatmap(ax=None)
- Plot a phase heatmap (x = M, y = A and value = -phi) based on:
Orozco, A. F., K. H. Williams, and A. Kemna (2013), Time-lapse spectral induced polarization imaging of stimulated uranium bioremediation, Near Surf. Geophys., 11(5), 531–544, doi:10.3997/1873-0604.2013020)
- Parameters:
- axmatplotlib axis, optional
If specified, graph will be plotted on the given axis.
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib figure, optional
If ax is not specified, the function will return a figure object.
- showPseudo(ax=None, bx=None, threed=False, **kwargs)
Plot pseudo section if 2D survey or just quadrupoles transfer resistance otherwise.
- showPseudoIP(ax=None, bx=None, threed=False, **kwargs)
Plot pseudo section if 2D survey or just quadrupoles phase otherwise.
- swapIndexes(old_indx, new_indx)
Replace the electrode number in a sequence matrix with another. Survey dataframe is updated after running.
- Parameters:
- old_idxint
Electrode number(or index) to be replaced
- new_idxint
Replacement electrode number
- write2protocol(outputname='', err=False, errTot=False, ip=False, res0=False, isubset=None, threed=False, fm0=None)
Write a protocol.dat file for R2, cR2, R3t, cR3t.
- Parameters:
- outputnamestr, optional
Path of the output file.
- errbool, optional
If True, then the resError and phaseError (if IP present) will be used in the protocol.dat file.
- errTotbool, optional
If True, the modelling error will be added to the error from the error model to form the total error.
- ipbool, optional
If True and IP columns will be added to the file.
- res0bool, optional
For time-lapse inversion, the background resistivity will be added if True.
- isubsetarray_like of bool, optional
If specified, it will be used to take a subset of the original array. It can be used for difference inversion to take measurements in common between all the surveys.
- threedbool, optional
If True, it’s for a 3D survey (and then add line numbers) or for a 2D survey (default).
- fm0numpy.array of float, optional
Only for 3D timelapse, to compute d-d0+fm0 (if reg_mode == 2). If provided, will automatically set res0 to False.
- Returns:
- protocolpandas.DataFrame
Dataframe which contains the data for the protocol.dat.
- resipy.Survey.fixSequence(sequence)
Make sequence consecutive.
- Parameters:
- sequencend array
N by 4 array which is the measurement sequence.
- Returns:
- None.
- resipy.Survey.polyfit(x, y, deg=1)
Replacement function for numpy polyfit that works consistently (avoids SVD convergence error prsent on some W10 computers) Nb: is not as robust as numpy polyfit function.
- Parameters:
- xarray like
x values of data
y values of data
- degTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is 1.
- Returns:
- coefnp.array
coefficents of polynomail
- Raises:
- ValueError
If deg < 0 .
- TypeError
array data is not as expected for fitting a polynomail.
Created on Wed May 30 10:19:09 2018, python 3.6.5 @author: jamyd91 Module handles mesh generation, display, discretisation and post processing. The convention for x y z coordinates is that the z coordinate is the elevation.
- Dependencies:
numpy (standard scientific lib) matplotlib (standard scientific lib) gmshWrap(ResIPy resipy module) python3 standard libaries
- class resipy.meshTools.Mesh(node_x, node_y, node_z, node_data, cell_type, original_file_path='N/A', order_nodes=True, compute_centre=True, check2D=True)
Mesh class.
- Parameters:
- node_xlist, 1d numpy array
x coordinates of nodes
- node_ylist, 1d numpy array
coordinates of nodes
- node_zlist, 1d numpy array
z coordinates of nodes
- connection_matrix: M by N numpy array
nodes of element vertices in the form [[node1],[node2],[node3],…], each node id should be an integer type.
- cell_typelist of ints
code referencing cell geometry (e.g. triangle) according to vtk format
- original_file_pathstring, optional
file path to where the mesh file was originally imported
- regionsoptional
element indexes for a material in the mesh (needs further explanation)
- Returns:
- Meshclass
- addAttribute(values, key)
Add a new/update attribute to mesh.
- Parameters:
- values: array like
must have a length which matches the number of elements. Discrete values which map to the elements.
- key: str
Name of the attribute, this will be used to reference to the values in other mesh functions.
- addPtAttribute(values, key)
Associate attributes with the mesh nodes
- Parameters:
- values: array like
Must have a length which matches the number of nodes. Discrete values which map to the nodes.
- key: str
Name of the attribute, this will be used to reference to the values in other mesh functions.
- applyFunc(mesh_paras, material_no, new_key, function, *args)
Applies a function to a mesh by zone number and mesh parameter.
- Parameters:
- mesh_parasarray like
Mesh parameters from which new parameters are calculated.
- material_noarray like of ints
Material type assigned to each element, should be numbered consectively from 1 to n. in the form 1 : 1 : 2 : n. …ie if you have 2 materials in the mesh then pass an array of ones and twos. zeros will be ignored.
- new_keystring
Key assigned to the parameter in the df. DOES NOT default.
- functionfunction
Function to be applied to mesh attributes, first argument must be the mesh parameter.
- args[see function info]
All arguments to be passed through function after to modify the mesh parameter, … argument must be in the form of [(argA1,argB1),(argA2,argB2)], … where letters are the material, numbers refer to the argument number
Mesh object will now have the new attribute added once the function is run. Use the mesh.show() (or .draw()) function to see the result.
- assignZone(poly_data)
Assign material/region assocations with certain elements in the mesh say if you have an area you’d like to forward model. *2D ONLY*
- Parameters:
- poly_datalist
list of 2 by N (x,y) numpy arrays describing each polygon.
- Returns:
- material_nonumpy.array
Element associations starting at 1. So 1 for the first region defined in the region_data variable, 2 for the second region defined and so on. If the element can’t be assigned to a region then it’ll be left at 0.
- assignZoneAttribute(attr_list, new_key, zone=None)
Asssigns values to the mesh which depend on region / material only. E.G a single resistivity value.
- Parameters:
- attr_listlist
Values corresponding to a material number in the mesh. eg. if you had 3 regions in the mesh then you give [resistivity1,resistivity2,resistivity3].
- new_keystring
Key identifier assigned to the attribute in the df.
- zonearray or list
Integers starting at 0 or 1, and ascend in intervals of 1, which correspond to a material in the mesh returned from assign_attr_ID. Should have the same length as the number of elements in the mesh.
Mesh object will now have the new attribute added once the function is run. Use the mesh.show() (or .draw()) function to see the result.
- cellArea()
Compute the element areas, or in the case of 3D meshes compute the cell volumes.
- cellCentres()
A numpy-based approximation of cell centres for 2D and 3D elements. It’s calculated from the mean of cell x y z node coordinates
- computeElmDepth()
Compute the depth of elements relative to the surface of the mesh.
- computeNeigh()
Compute element neighbour matrix
- copy()
Return a copy of mesh object.
- crop(polyline)
Crop the mesh given a polyline in 2D. If 3D then the mesh will be cropped in the XY plane.
- Parameters:
- polylinearray of float
Array of size Nx2 with the XZ (or XY) coordinates forming the polyline. Notethat the first and last coordinates should be the same to close the polyline.
- dat(file_path='mesh.dat')
Write a mesh.dat kind of file for mesh input for R2/R3t.
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr, optional
Path to the file. By default ‘mesh.dat’ is saved in the working directory.
- datAdv(file_path='mesh.dat', iadvanced=True)
Write a mesh.dat kind of file for mesh input for R2/R3t. Advanced format which includes the neighbourhood and conductance matrix.
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr, optional
Path to the file. By default ‘mesh.dat’ is saved in the working directory.
- iadvancedbool, optional
If True, use the advanced mesh format if False, use the normal mesh format.
- downslopeID(attr='Resistivity')
Get the index of ‘downslope’ elements for a given attribute.
- Parameters:
- attrstring, optional
Key inside of mesh dataframe. The default is ‘Resistivity’.
- Returns:
- idxnd array
Indices of downslope elements.
- draw(attr=None, edge_color='k', color_map='Spectral', color_bar=False, vmin=None, vmax=None)
Redraws a mesh over a prexisting figure canvas, this is intended for saving time when plotting each iteration of the resistivity inversion.
- Parameters:
- color_mapstring, optional
color map reference
- color_barboolean, optional
True to plot colorbar
- axmatplotlib axis handle, optional
Axis handle if preexisting (error will thrown up if not) figure is to be cast to.
- edge_colorstring, optional
Color of the cell edges, set to None if you dont want an edge.
- vminfloat, optional
Minimum limit for the color bar scale.
- vmaxfloat, optional
Maximum limit for the color bar scale.
- attrstring, optional
Which attribute in the mesh to plot, references a dictionary of attributes. attr is passed as the key for this dictionary.
- Returns:
- figurematplotlib figure
Figure handle for the plotted mesh object.
- elemDist()
Work out the distance of each cell in the mesh to its closest electrode
- exportMesh(fname, ftype=None, coordLocal=False, coordParam=None, voxel=False, meshParam=None)
Export mesh into with coordinate rotation data
- Parameters:
- fnamestr, optional
Path to output save file.
- ftype: str, optional
File extension, if none, will be guessed from file name.
- coordLocal: bool, optional
If True, convert mesh coordinates to a national grid system or utm.
- coordParam: dict, optional
Coordinate conversion parameters, x0, y0 and a. Stored as a dictionary.
- exportTetgenMesh(prefix='mesh', zone=None, debug=False, mixed=False)
Export a mesh like the tetgen format for input into E4D. This format is composed of several files. Currently only tested for 3D surface array like surveys. Assumes the sides of the mesh are parrallel to the x and y plane and that the surface has gentle to no topography.
- Parameters:
- prefix: string
Prefix assigned to exported files. Can include path to file.
- zone: array like, optional
If using zones in the mesh, this attribute should include the zone attribute which is an array of integers identifying the zone associated with each element. By default each element is assigned to zone 1.
- mixed: bool
If true attempt to compute mixed boundary condition at mesh edges.
- Notes
- ———-
- Please note routine is experimental and not garanteed to work 100%
- externalNodes()
Find the external nodes of the mesh (triangle and tetrahedral meshes only).
- Returns:
- external_nodesndarray
Indices of external nodes.
- surface_flagndarray
Flag if external node is on the surface of the mesh, 1 for surface and 0 for not.
- extractSurface(return_idx=False, post_neigh_check=True)
Extract the surface of a triangle or tetrahedral mesh. Ouput of function will depend on mesh type.
- Parameters:
- return_idx: bool
Return the indices of elements on the top of the mesh (default is false)
- post_neigh_check: bool
Perform a post processing step to check elements have neighbours, this is useful for meshes with uneven sides where false postives can crop up.
- Returns:
- mesh: class
2d faces of the top of the mesh, if the input mesh is a tetrahedral mesh
- (x,z): tuple
1D faces of the top of the mesh, if the input is a triangular mesh
- idx: array like
if return_idx == True an array of int
- file_path()
Returns the file path from where the mesh was imported
- filterIdx(in_elem)
Filter mesh down on the basis of element number / index
- Parameters:
- in_elem: array like
array of bool, True means to keep the element
- attr: string
Name of attribute to threshold by
- Returns:
- mesh: Class
New instance of mesh class which is filtered
- findIdirichlet()
Find the best node for the dirichlet node.
- Returns:
- idirchletint
A node far away as possible from each of the electrodes on the boundary of the mesh. (Add one if using inside of mesh(3d).dat)
- static findParaview()
Run on windows to find paraview.exe command.
- Returns:
- found: bool
If True the program was able to find where paraview is installed If false then the program could not find paraview in the default install locations.
- location: str
if found == True. The string maps to the paraview executable if found == False. then ‘n/a’ is returned.
- flipYZ()
Make Y column Z column and vice versa, this is useful for when dealing with 2D meshes. Dimensions are modified in place.
- meshLookUp(look_up_mesh)
Look up values from another mesh using nearest neighbour look up, assign attributes to the current mesh class.
- Parameters:
- look_up_mesh: class
Another mesh class.
- moveElecNodes(new_x, new_y, new_z, debug=True)
Move the electrodes to different nodes which are close to the given coordinates. This is useful for timelapse surveys where the electrodes move through time, ideally this is implemented on a mesh which is refined near the surface. If no nodes are assigned to mesh, a mesh.e_nodes variable is created.
- Parameters:
- new_x: array l ike
new electrode x coordinates
- new_y: array like
new electrode y coordinates, if 2D mesh let new_y=None and the array will automatically be assigned an array of zeros.
- new_z: array-like
new electrode z coordinates
- debug: bool, optional
Controls if any changes to electrode nodes will be output to console.
- Returns:
- node_in_mesh: np array
Array of mesh node numbers corresponding to the electrode postions/ coordinates.
Mesh.e_nodes parameter is updated (or added) after running function.
- node2ElemAttr(node_array, name='NodeArray')
Maps node attributes onto mesh elements
- Parameters:
- node_arrayarray like
Array with same number of entries as there are nodes in the mesh.
- namestr, optional
Name of node attribute, will be used to index array in mesh dataframe. The default is ‘NodeArray’.
- Returns:
- arrnd array
Node array mapped on mesh elements .
- orderElem(param=None)
Order elements based on the parameter number. Ideally parameters should be concurrent, and fixed elements should go at the base of the connection matrix.
- orderNodes(return_count=False)
Order mesh nodes in clockwise fashion
- Parameters:
- return_count:bool, optional
Function returns the number of reordered elements, default is False.
- paraview(fname='ResIPy_mesh.vtk', loc=None)
Show mesh in paraview
- Parameters:
- fname: str,optional
A vtk file will be written to working directory and then displayed using paraview.
- loc: str, optional
Path to paraview excutable, ignored if not using windows. If not provided the program will attempt to find where paraview is installed automatically.
- pick3Dbox(ax=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, zlim=None, electrodes=True, darkMode=False)
Pick out regions on the mesh using the box widget (intended for 3D forward modelling)
- Parameters:
- axclass, optional
pyvista plotting object. The default is None.
- xlimtuple, list, array like, optional
x limit of the selection area. The default is None and assigned automatically.
- ylimtuple, list, array like, optional
as with xlim. The default is None.
- zlimtuple, list, array like, optional
as with xlim. The default is None.
- electrodesbool, optional
If True the electrodes are also plotted on the mesh. The default is True.
- darkmode: bool, optional
Alters coloring of pyvista plot for a darker appearance
- Returns:
- pyvista clip box handle
- Raises:
- Exception
If mesh is 2D
- quad2tri()
Make a triangle mesh from a quad mesh
- Returns:
- mesh: class
Triangle mesh class
- quadMeshNp(topo=None)
Convert mesh nodes into x column indexes in the case of quad meshes. Does not currently support changes in electrode elevation!
- Returns:
- colx: list
X column indexes for quad mesh
- refine()
Refine the mesh into smaller elements
- resetParam()
Reorder parameters into consective ascending order
- saveMesh(fname, ftype=None)
Save mesh into a file. Available formats are .dat, .vtk, .csv, .xyz, and .node. .xyz is a special case where the mesh should be transformed into a voxel mesh first.
- Parameters:
- fnamestr, optional
Path to output save file.
- ftype: str, optional
File extension, if none, will be guessed from file name.
- setElecNode(e_nodes, iremote=None)
Assign node numbers to electrodes.
- Parameters:
- e_nodes: array like
array of ints which index the electrode nodes in a mesh
- iremote: array like, optional
Array of bool, if True then indexed electrode is remote.
- show(color_map='Spectral', color_bar=True, xlim=None, zlim=None, ax=None, electrodes=True, sens=False, edge_color='k', contour=False, vmin=None, vmax=None, attr=None, clabel=None, hor_cbar=False, sensPrc=None, maxDepth=None, aspect='equal', darkMode=False, **kwargs)
Displays a 2d mesh and attribute.
- Parameters:
- color_mapstring, optional
color map reference
- color_barBoolean, optional
True to plot colorbar
- xlimtuple, optional
Axis x limits as (xmin, xmax).
- zlimtuple, optional
Axis z limits as (zmin, zmax).
- axmatplotlib axis handle, optional
Axis handle if preexisting (error will thrown up if not) figure is to be cast to.
- electrodesboolean, optional
Enter true to add electrodes to plot.
- sensboolean, optional
Enter true to plot sensitivities.
- edge_colorstring, optional
Color of the cell edges, set to None if you dont want an edge.
- contourboolean, optional
If True, plot filled with contours instead of the mesh.
- vminfloat, optional
Minimum limit for the color bar scale.
- vmaxfloat, optional
Maximum limit for the color bar scale.
- attrstring, optional
Which attribute in the mesh to plot, references a dictionary of attributes. attr is passed as the key for this dictionary.
- clabelstring, optional
Label of the colorbar. Default is the value of attr argument.
- hor_cbarboolean, optional
‘True’ to make a horizontal color bar at the bottom of the plot, default is vertical color bar to the right of the plot.
- sensPrcfloat, optional
Normalised (between 0 and 1) sensitivity value threshold. Default is None meaning the sensitivity is just overlay. Need sens=True to be used.
- maxDepthfloat
Maximum absolute depth to be shown on the plotted figure.
- aspectstring, optional
defines the aspect ratio of the plot. ‘equal’ locks the aspect ratio. ‘auto’, aspect ratio is define by plotting area.
- darkModebool, optional
If True, electrodes will be plotted in white, else black
- Returns:
- figurematplotlib figure
Figure handle for the plotted mesh object.
Show a mesh object using matplotlib. The color map variable should be a string refering to the color map you want (default is “jet”). As we’re using the matplotlib package here any color map avialable within matplotlib package can be used to display the mesh here also. See: https://matplotlib.org/2.0.2/examples/color/colormaps_reference.html
- show3D(color_map='Spectral', color_bar=True, xlim=None, ylim=None, zlim=None, ax=None, electrodes=True, sens=False, edge_color='k', alpha=1, vmax=None, vmin=None, attr=None, elec_color='k', elec_size=10.0, use_pyvista=True, background_color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), pvslices=([], [], []), pvspline=None, pvthreshold=None, pvgrid=True, pvcontour=[], pseudo3DContour=False, pvdelaunay3d=False, pvshow=True, volume=None, darkMode=False, cell_picking=False, clipping=True)
Shows a 3D tetrahedral mesh.
- Parameters:
- color_mapstring, optional
Matplotlib color map reference
- color_barBoolean, optional
True to plot colorbar
- xlimtuple, optional
Axis x limits as (xmin, xmax).
- ylimtuple, optional
Axis y limits as (ymin, ymax).
- zlimtuple, optional
Axis z limits as (zmin, zmax).
- axmatplotlib axis handle, pvista plotter handle, optional
Axis handle if preexisting (error will thrown up if not) figure is to be cast to. If using pyvista then then ax is the plotter the object.
- electrodesboolean, optional
Enter true to add electrodes to plot (if available in mesh class)
- sensboolean, optional
Enter true to plot sensitivities (if available in mesh class). Note that for 3D this doesnt work so well.
- edge_colorstring, optional
Color of the cell edges, set to None if you dont want an edge.
- alpha: float, optional
Should be set between 0 and 1. Sets a transparancy value for the element faces.
- vminfloat, optional
Minimum limit for the color bar scale.
- vmaxfloat, optional
Maximum limit for the color bar scale.
- attrstring, optional
Which attribute in the mesh to plot, references a dictionary of attributes. attr is passed as the key for this dictionary.
- elec_colorstring, optional
Colour of the electrodes on the plot if electrodes = True. Default is ‘k’ for black. Can be a 3 by 1 tuple or string identifier.
- elec_sizefloat, optional
Size of electrode points, default is 10, a number of 4-5 gives better visibility
- use_pyvistabool, optional
Use visual toolkit backend for displaying 3D mesh, note that pyvista must be installed for this to work.
- background_colortuple, optional
Background color assigned to pyvista plotter object when created. Not yet supported for matplotlib axis handles.
- pvslicestuple of list of float, optional
Determine the X, Y, Z slices. e.g.: ([3], [], [-3, -4]) will add a slice normal to X in 3 and two slices normal to Z in -3 and -4.
- pvspline‘elec’ or numpy array, optional
If ‘elec’ mesh will be sliced along the electrodes path otherwise an array of X, Y, Z of points on a path to slice the mesh along that path is needed.
- pvthresholdlist of two floats, optional
Keep values between pvthreshold[0] and pvthreshold[1].
- pvgridbool, optional
Show grid or not.
- pvcontourlist of float, optional
Values of the isosurface to be plotted.
- pseudo3DContour: bool, optional
If ‘True’, pseudo 3D plots will be contoured. Only use in case of pseudo 3D surveys.
- pvdelaunay3dbool, optional
If True a “Delaunay 3D” triangulation filter will be applied on the mesh.
- pvshowbool, optional
If False, that will prevent calling the pyvista.Plotter.show(). This is useful in case of subplots.
- volumefloat, optional
If not ‘None’ then volume float number will be printed onto the pyvista plot.
- darkmode: bool, optional
Alters coloring of pyvista plot for a darker appearance
- cell_picking: bool, optional
Interactive picking flag, for the use within the UI only. Leave as False.
- clipping: bool, optional
Flag to clip mesh in pyvista window, if tank type problem is expected set to False else set to True. Default is True. Note if False then the X Y and Z limit extents will be ignored.
- Returns:
- figurematplotlib figure, pyvista plotter
Figure handle for the plotted mesh object.
Show a mesh object using matplotlib. The color map variable should be a string refering to the color map you want (default is “Spectral”). As we’re using the matplotlib package here any color map avialable within matplotlib package can be used to display the mesh here also. See: https://matplotlib.org/2.0.2/examples/color/colormaps_reference.html
Plotting sensitivies using sens=True is not reccomended. The matplotlib renderer has trouble with it.
- showAvailAttr(flag=True)
Show available attributes in mesh.df.
- showPrismMesh(color_map='Spectral', color_bar=True, ax=None, electrodes=True, sens=False, edge_color='k', alpha=1, aspect='equal', vmax=None, vmin=None, attr=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, zlim=None)
Shows a 3D prism mesh.
- Parameters:
- color_mapstring, optional
color map reference
- color_barBoolean, optional
True to plot colorbar
- xlimtuple, optional
Axis x limits as (xmin, xmax).
- ylimtuple, optional
Axis y limits as (ymin, ymax).
- zlimtuple, optional
Axis z limits as (ymin, ymax).
- axmatplotlib axis handle, optional
Axis handle if preexisting (error will thrown up if not) figure is to be cast to.
- electrodesboolean, optional
Enter true to add electrodes to plot (if available in mesh class)
- sensboolean, optional
Enter true to plot sensitivities (if available in mesh class). Note that for 3D this doesnt work so well.
- edge_colorstring, optional
Color of the cell edges, set to None if you dont want an edge.
- alpha: float, optional
Should be set between 0 and 1. Sets a transparancy value for the element faces.
- vminfloat, optional
Minimum limit for the color bar scale.
- vmaxfloat, optional
Maximum limit for the color bar scale.
- attrstring, optional
Which attribute in the mesh to plot, references a dictionary of attributes. attr is passed as the key for this dictionary.
- aspect = string, optional
defines the aspect ratio of the plot. ‘equal’ locks the aspect ratio. ‘auto’, aspect ratio is define by plotting area.
- Returns:
- figurematplotlib figure
Figure handle for the plotted mesh object.
- showSlice(attr='Resistivity(log10)', axis='z', vmin=None, vmax=None, ax=None)
Show 3D mesh slice.
- Parameters:
- attrstr, optional
String the of the variable to plot. Default is Resistivity(log10).
- axisstr, optional
Axis to be sliced either, x, y or z.
- vminfloat, optional
Minimum value for colorbar.
- vmaxfloat, optional
Maximum value for colorbar.
- axmatplotlib.Axis
If provided, plot will be drawn on this axis.
- splitTetra(param=None)
Refine tetrahedra by splitting them in six smaller tetrahedra.
- splitTri(param=None)
Refine triangles by splitting them into 4 smaller triangles
- summary(flag=True)
Prints summary information about the mesh
- threshold(attr=None, vmin=None, vmax=None)
Threshold the mesh to certian attribute values.
- Parameters:
- attr: string
Name of attribute to threshold by
- vmin: float
minimum value of attribute
- vmax: float
maximum value of attribute
- Returns:
- mesh: Class
New instance of mesh class which is thresholded
- toCsv(file_name='mesh.csv')
Write a .csv file of the mesh, the first 3 columns are the element centres at coordinates x,y,z and the rest of the columns are the attributes in the df
- Parameters:
- file_nameString, optional
The default is ‘mesh.csv’.
- toVoxelMesh(elec=None, elec_type=None, **kwargs)
Returns a special kind of mesh optimised for visualasation inside of GIS software like Geovisionary.
- Parameters:
- elecarray like, pd.DataFrame, optional
Electrode coordinates. The default is None.
- elec_typelist, optional
List of electrode types, i.e. ‘surface’ or ‘buried’. The default is None (all electrodes are surface electrodes).
- Returns:
- meshclass
Mesh object with voxel elements
- Raises:
- Exception
If no electrode coordinates provided.
- toVoxet(file_name='mesh.vo', x0=None, y0=None, a=0)
Not yet working!
- Parameters:
- file_nameTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is ‘mesh.vo’.
- x0TYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
- y0TYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
- aTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is 0.
- Returns:
- None.
- transMesh(x, y, z)
Translate mesh by x y z coordinate
- truncateMesh(xlim=None, ylim=None, zlim=None)
Crop the mesh to a box of given limits, like how R3t behaves when outputting inverted results.
- Parameters:
- xlimtuple, optional
Axis x limits as (xmin, xmax).
- ylimtuple, optional
Axis y limits as (ymin, ymax).
- zlimtuple, optional
Axis z limits as (ymin, ymax).
- Returns:
- nmesh: Class
New instance of mesh class which is truncated
- type2FaceNo()
Converts vtk cell types into number of faces each element has
- type2VertsNo()
Converts vtk cell types into number of vertices each element has
- vtk(file_path='mesh.vtk', title=None, replace_nan=-9999)
Writes a vtk file for the mesh object, everything in the df will be written to file as attributes. We suggest using Paraview to display the mesh outside of ResIPy. It’s fast and open source :).
- Parameters:
- file_path: str, optional
Maps where python will write the file, if left as default then mesh.vtk will be written the current working directory.
- titlestr, optional
Header string written at the top of the vtk file .
- writeAttr(attr_key=None, file_name='_res.dat')
Writes a attribute to a _res.dat type file. file_name entered seperately because it will be needed for the R2 config file. The reason for this function is so you can write a forward model parameter input file.
- Parameters:
- attr_key: string
Key identifying the attr to be written in the mesh object df.
- file_name: string, optional
Name of the _res.dat type file.
- writeRindex(fname)
Write out the neighbourhood matrix for R3t.
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
Path to written file.
- xyz(file_name='mesh.xyz', coordParam=None)
Write a .xyz file of the mesh, the first 3 columns are the element centres at coordinates x,y,z and the rest of the columns are the attributes in the df
- Parameters:
- file_nameString, optional
The default is ‘mesh.csv’.
- resipy.meshTools.check4repeatNodes(X, Y, Z, flag=None)
Raise error if repeated nodes present
- Parameters:
- Xarray like
X coordinates of nodes (normally electrodes).
- Yarray like
Y coordinates of nodes (normally electrodes).
- Zarray like
Z coordinates of nodes (normally electrodes).
- flaglist of string, optional
String flag assigned to each node. The default is None.
- Returns:
- None.
- Raises:
- ValueError
If repeated nodes detected
- resipy.meshTools.cylinderMesh(elec_x, elec_y, elec_z, zlim=None, radius=None, file_path='cylinder_mesh.geo', cl=-1, cl_factor=2, finer=4, keep_files=True, show_output=True, path='exe', dump=<built-in function print>, handle=None)
Make a cylinder mesh.
- Parameters:
- eleclist of array_like or nx3 array
First column/list is the x coordinates of electrode positions and so on …
- zlimlist, tuple, optional
Bottom and top z coordinate of column, in the form (min(z),max(z))
- radius: float, optional
Radius of column. If not provided, will be infered from elec positions.
- file_pathstring, optional
Name of the generated gmsh file (can include file path also).
- clfloat, optional
Characteristic length, essentially describes how big the nodes associated elements will be. Usually no bigger than 5. If set as -1 (default) a characteristic length 1/4 the minimum electrode spacing is computed.
- finerint, optional
Number of line between two consecutive electrodes to approximate the circle shape. No longer used.
- handlevariable, optional
Will be assigned the output of ‘Popen’ in case the process needs to be killed in the UI for instance.
- resipy.meshTools.dat_import(file_path='mesh.dat', order_nodes=True)
Import R2/cR2/R3t/cR3t .dat kind of mesh.
- Parameters:
- file_path: str
Maps to the mesh (.dat) file.
- Returns:
- mesh: class
- resipy.meshTools.halfspaceControlPoints(elec_x, elec_y, r, min_r=None)
Create control points for surface electrodes in 3D (or 2d borehole electrodes)
- resipy.meshTools.in_box(x, y, z, xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin, zmax, zmin)
Determine if a point lies inside a bounding volume.
- Parameters:
- xarray like, float
x coordinate of query point
- yarray like, float
y coordinate of query point
- zarray like, float
z coordinate of query point
- volume_datalist
contains column of poly_data, in the form (polyx, polyy, polyz)
- ray_castfloat, optional
determines how the far in the x axis a point is ray casted
- Returns:
- insideboolian, numpy array
true indexes where point is inside volume
- resipy.meshTools.mergeMeshes(meshList)
Merge multiple meshes into one mesh object, useful for psuedo 3d surveys.
- Parameters:
- meshListlist
List of seperate mesh classes .
- Returns:
- mmesh: class
Merged mesh.
- resipy.meshTools.moveMesh2D(meshObject, elecLocal, elecGrid)
- Move mesh object to a certain place on the grid.
X, Y only. No Z relocation.
- Parameters:
- meshObjectclass object
Mesh class object.
- elecLocal: dataframe
dataframe of electrodes on local 2D grid (i.e., y = 0) ‘remote’ column (bool) required.
- elecGrid: dataframe
dataframe of electrodes on 3D grid (i.e., y != 0) ‘remote’ column (bool) required
- Returns:
- meshclass object
Copy of moved Mesh class object.
- resipy.meshTools.points2vtk(x, y, z, file_name='points.vtk', title='points', data=None)
Function makes a .vtk file for some xyz coordinates. optional argument renames the name of the file (needs file path also) (default is “points.vtk”). title is the name of the vtk file.
- Parameters:
- xlist, tuple, np array
X coordinates of points.
- ylist, tuple, np array
Y coordinates of points.
- zlist, tuple, np array
Z coordinates of points.
- file_namestring, optional
Path to saved file, defualts to ‘points.vtk’ in current working directory.
- titlestring, optional
Title of vtk file.
- Returns:
- ~.vtkfile
- resipy.meshTools.prismMesh(elec_x, elec_y, elec_z, keep_files=True, show_output=True, path='exe', dump=<built-in function print>, handle=None, **kwargs)
Make a prism mesh.
- Parameters:
- elec_x: array like
electrode x coordinates
- elec_y: array like
electrode y coordinates
- elec_z: array like
electrode z coordinates
- poly: list, tuple, optional
Describes polygon where the argument is 2 by 1 tuple/list. Each entry is the polygon x and y coordinates, ie (poly_x, poly_y)
- z_lim: list, tuple, optional
top and bottom z coordinate of column, in the form (min(z),max(z))
- radius: float, optional
radius of column
- file_path: string, optional
name of the generated gmsh file (can include file path also) (optional)
- cl: float, optional
characteristic length (optional), essentially describes how big the nodes assocaited elements will be. Usually no bigger than 5. If set as -1 (default) a characteristic length 1/4 the minimum electrode spacing is computed.
- elemz: int, optional
Number of layers in between each electrode inside the column mesh.
- handlevariable, optional
Will be assigned the output of ‘Popen’ in case the process needs to be killed in the UI for instance.
- resipy.meshTools.quadMesh(elec_x, elec_z, elec_type=None, elemx=4, xgf=1.5, zf=1.1, zgf=1.5, fmd=None, pad=2, surface_x=None, surface_z=None, refine_x=None, refine_z=None, model_err=False)
Creates a quaderlateral mesh given the electrode x and y positions.
- Parameters:
- elec_xlist, np array
Electrode x coordinates
- elec_zlist, np array
Electrode y coordinates
- elec_type: list, optional
strings, where ‘electrode’ is a surface electrode; ‘buried’ is a buried electrode
- elemxint, optional
Number of nodes between electrodes.
- xgffloat, optional
X factor multiplier for fine zone.
- zffloat, optional
Z factor multiplier in the fine zone (must be >1).
- zgffloat, optional
Z factor multiplier in the coarse zone (must be >1).
- fmdfloat (m), optional
Fine mesh region depth specifies as positive number (if None, half survey width is used).
- padint, optional
X padding outside the fine area (tipicaly twice the number of elements between electrodes).
- surface_x: array like, optional
Default is None. x coordinates of extra surface topography points for the generation of topography in the quad mesh
- surface_z: array like, optional
Default is None. z coordinates of extra surface topography points for the generation of topography in the quad mesh. Note an error will be returned if len(surface_x) != len(surface_z)
- refine_x: array like, optional
Default is None. Inserts points in the resulting quad mesh for more control over mesh refinement at depth. X coordinates. An error will be returned if len(refine_x) != len(refine_z).
- refine_z: array like, optional
Default is None. Inserts points in the resulting quad mesh for more control over mesh refinement at depth. Z coordinates. An error will be returned if len(refine_x) != len(refine_z).
- model_errbool, optional
If True all topography will be normalised to zero such that the returned mesh can be used to model foward modelling errors.
- Returns:
- Meshclass
Mesh object
- meshxnumpy.array
Mesh x locations for R2in file.
- meshznumpy.array
Mesh locations for R2in file (ie node depths).
- toponumpy.array
Topography for R2in file.
- elec_nodenumpy.array
x columns where the electrodes are.
- resipy.meshTools.readMesh(file_path, node_pos=None, order_nodes=True)
Import user defined mesh, currently supports .msh, .vtk and .dat (native to R2/3t) format for quad, triangular and tetrahedral meshes. The type of file is guessed from the extension given to the code.
- Parameters:
- file_pathstring
Path to file.
- node_posarray like, optional
Array of ints referencing the electrode nodes. If left as none no electrodes will be added to the mesh class. Consider using mesh.move_elec_nodes() to add nodes to mesh using their xyz coordinates.
- order_nodesbool, optional
Order nodes when importing a mesh
- Returns:
- meshclass
mesh class used in ResIPy
- resipy.meshTools.runGmsh(ewd, file_name, show_output=True, dump=<built-in function print>, threed=False, handle=None)
- Parameters:
- ewdstr
Directory where gmsh copy is stored.
- file_namestr
Name of the .geo file without extension.
- show_outputTYPE, optional
If True, output of gmsh is displayed to dump. The default is True.
- threedbool, optional
If True, 3D mesh is done, else 2D. The default is False.
- handlevariable, optional
Will be assigned the output of ‘Popen’ in case the process needs to be killed in the UI for instance.
- Returns:
- None.
- resipy.meshTools.tankMesh(elec=None, origin=None, dimension=[10, 10, 10], file_path='tank_mesh.geo', cl=-1, keep_files=True, show_output=True, path='exe', dump=<built-in function print>, handle=None)
Make a tank mesh (3D closed box).
- Parameters:
- eleclist of array_like or nx3 array
First column/list is the x coordinates of electrode positions and so on …
- originlist of float, optional
Origin of the corner where the mesh will be drawned from. If not provided and elec provided, the smaller elec position will be chosen.
- dimensionlist of float, optional
Dimension of the mesh in X,Y,Z from the corner origin. The default is [10,10,10].
- file_pathstring, optional
Name of the generated gmsh file (can include file path also).
- clfloat, optional
Characteristic length, essentially describes how big the nodes associated elements will be. Usually no bigger than 5. If set as -1 (default) a characteristic length 1/4 the minimum electrode spacing is computed.
- finerint, optional
Number of line between two consecutive electrodes to approximate the circle shape.
- handlevariable, optional
Will be assigned the output of ‘Popen’ in case the process needs to be killed in the UI for instance.
- resipy.meshTools.tetgen_import(file_path, order_nodes=True)
Import Tetgen mesh into ResIPy. This isa little different from other imports as the mesh is described by several files. From meshTools’ perspective What is needed is the node(.node) file and element (.ele) files, which describe the coordinates of mesh nodes and the connection matrix.
- Parameters:
- file_path: str
Maps to the mesh .node file. The program will automatically find the corresponding .ele file in the same directory.
- order_nodes: bool, optional
Check ordering of the nodes on import, this ensures that the mesh will work inside of R3t / cR3t. Default is True.
- Returns:
- mesh: class
- resipy.meshTools.tetraMesh(elec_x, elec_y, elec_z=None, elec_type=None, keep_files=True, interp_method='triangulate', surface_refinement=None, mesh_refinement=None, ball_refinement=True, path='exe', dump=<built-in function print>, whole_space=False, model_err=False, handle=None, show_output=True, **kwargs)
Generates a tetrahedral mesh for R3t (with topography) for field surveys. This function expects the current working directory has path: exe/gmsh.exe. Uses post processing after mesh generation to super impose topography on to a flat 3D tetrahedral mesh of a hemisphere. Handles, wholespace, 2d and halfspace problems.
- Parameters:
- elec_xarray like
electrode x coordinates
- elec_yarray like
electrode y coordinates
- elec_zarray like
electrode z coordinates
- elec_typelist of strings, optional
Defines if electrodes are buried or not.
- keep_filesboolean, optional
True if the gmsh input and output file is to be stored in the working directory.
- interp_methodstring, default =’triangulate’ optional
Interpolation method to translate mesh nodes in the z direction. In other words the method in which topography is appended to the mesh. Here the topography is added to the mesh in post processing. The options are documented below in the notes.
- surface_refinementnp.array, optional
Numpy array of shape (3,n), should follow the format np.array([x1,x2,x3,…],[y1,y2,y3,…],[z1,z2,z3,…]). Allows for extra refinement for the top surface of the mesh. The points are not added to the mesh, but considered in post processing in order to super impose topography on the mesh.
- mesh_refinementdict, pd.DataFrame, optional
Dataframe (or dict) contianing ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘type’, and ‘cl’, columns which describe control points which can be used to refine the mesh, unlike surface_refinement, this argument allows the user granular control over the refinement of mesh elements. If not provided ResIPy attempts to add mesh_refinement for you (though not in the case of a wholespace). See further explanation in tetraMesh notes.
- ball_refinementboolean, optional
If True, tells gmsh to add a ‘ball’ of refined mesh around electrodes. Default is True.
- pathstring, optional
Path to exe folder (leave default unless you know what you are doing).
- whole_spaceboolean, optional
flag for if the problem should be treated as a whole space porblem, in which case electrode type is ignored and all electrodes are buried in the middle of a large mesh.
- model_errbool
If True, a flat mesh will be returned for the sake of estimating forward modelling errors.
- dumpfunction, optional
Function to which pass the output during mesh generation. print() is the default.
- **kwargsdict
Keyword arguments to be passed to functions in gmshWrap.py
- Returns:
- mesh3d: class
- Possible arguments for interp_method:
- ‘bilinear’4 known points are used to compute the equation of a plane
in which the interpolated point lies. This method is reccomended if elevation data is organised in a regular grid.
- ‘nearest’Nearest neighbour interpolation. Z value at the interpolated
point takes on the same Z value as the closest known point. This method can work well for dense elevation data, say in the case using a point cloud from a digital elevation model. This method is the most computationally cheap to run.
- ‘spline’Like bilinear interpolation, a function is fitted to a
quadlerateral of known points encompassing the interpolated Z value. The computed function is a higher order than linear interpolation though. Works best for irregular spaced elevation data.
- ‘triangulate’: Triangulation method, best for complicated topographies
where an irregular grid of known topography points is not avialable. This is the default.
- NoneNo interpolation method is used to interpolated topography on to
mesh, hence a flat mesh is returned.
- Format of mesh_refinement:
The variable must have x,y,z and type columns ‘x’: x coordinate array like ‘y’: y coordinate array like ‘z’: z coordinate array like ‘type’: list, object array of point types, use the tag ‘surface’ for
surface points, use ‘buried’ for buried points.
- ‘cl’: array like of characteristic lengths for each refinement point in
the mesh.
- resipy.meshTools.triMesh(elec_x, elec_z, elec_type=None, geom_input=None, keep_files=True, show_output=True, path='exe', dump=<built-in function print>, whole_space=False, model_err=False, handle=None, **kwargs)
Generates a triangular mesh for r2. Returns mesh class … this function expects the current working directory has path: exe/gmsh.exe. Uses gmsh version 3.0.6.
- Parameters:
- elec_x: array like
electrode x coordinates
- elec_z: array like
electrode y coordinates
- elec_type: list of strings, optional
List should be the same length as the electrode coordinate argument. Each entry in the list references the type of electrode: - ‘electrode’ = surface electrode coordinate, will be used to construct the topography in the mesh - ‘buried’ = buried electrode, placed the mesh surface - ‘remote’ = remote electrode (not actually placed in the mesh) - ‘borehole’ = borehole electrode, electrodes will be placed in the mesh with a line connecting them. borehole numbering starts at 1 and ascends numerically by 1.
- geom_inputdict, optional
Allows for further customisation of the 2D mesh, its a dictionary contianing surface topography, polygons and boundaries
- keep_filesboolean, optional
True if the gmsh input and output file is to be stored in the exe directory.
- show_ouputboolean, optional
True if gmsh output is to be printed to console.
- pathstring, optional
Path to exe folder (leave default unless you know what you are doing).
- whole_space: boolean, optional
Flag for if the problem should be treated as a whole space porblem, in which case electrode type is ingored and all electrodes are buried in the middle of a large mesh.
- model_errbool, optional
If True all topography will be normalised to zero such that the returned mesh can be used to model foward modelling errors.
- dumpfunction, optional
Function to which pass the output during mesh generation. print() is the default.
- handlevariable, optional
Will be assigned the output of ‘Popen’ in case the process needs to be killed in the UI for instance.
- **kwargsoptional
Key word arguments to be passed to genGeoFile.
- Returns:
- mesh: class
<ResIPy> mesh class
- geom_input format:
the code will cycle through numerically ordered keys (strings referencing objects in a dictionary”), currently the code expects a ‘surface’ and ‘electrode’ key for surface points and electrodes. the first borehole string should be given the key ‘borehole1’ and so on. The code stops searching for more keys when it cant find the next numeric key. Same concept goes for adding boundaries and polygons to the mesh. See below example:
- geom_input = {‘surface’: [surf_x,surf_z],
‘boundary1’:[bound1x,bound1y], ‘polygon1’:[poly1x,poly1y]}
electrodes and electrode_type (if not None) format:
electrodes = [[x1,x2,x3,…],[y1,y2,y3,…]] electrode_type = [‘electrode’,’electrode’,’buried’,…]
like with geom_input, boreholes should be labelled borehole1, borehole2 and so on. The code will cycle through each borehole and internally sort them and add them to the mesh.
The code expects that all polygons, boundaries and electrodes fall within x values of the actaul survey area. So make sure your topography / surface electrode points cover the area you are surveying, otherwise some funky errors will occur in the mesh.
- resipy.meshTools.voxelMesh(elec_x, elec_y, elec_z=None, elec_type=None, keep_files=True, interp_method='triangulate', surface_refinement=None, mesh_refinement=None, ball_refinement=True, path='exe', dump=<built-in function print>, whole_space=False, model_err=False, handle=None, show_output=True, **kwargs)
Generates a voxel mesh, not meant to be used for ERT processing with the R* codes but rather can be used for the purposes of mesh visualizuation post processing, and is more readily exportable into formats required by other geological software (e.g. Geovisionary).
- Parameters:
- elec_x: array like
electrode x coordinates
- elec_y: array like
electrode y coordinates
- elec_z: array like
electrode z coordinates
- elec_type: list of strings, optional
Defines if electrodes are buried or not.
- keep_filesboolean, optional
Not used. Kept as an argument for compatiblity with TetraMesh.
- interp_method: string, default =’triangulate’ optional
Interpolation method to translate mesh nodes in the z direction. In other words the method in which topography is appended to the mesh. Here the topography is added to the mesh in post processing. The options are documented below in the notes.
- surface_refinementnp.array, optional
Numpy array of shape (3,n), should follow the format np.array([x1,x2,x3,…],[y1,y2,y3,…],[z1,z2,z3,…]). Allows for extra refinement for the top surface of the mesh. The points are not added to the mesh, but considered in post processing in order to super impose topography on the mesh.
- mesh_refinementdict, pd.DataFrame, optional
Not used. Kept as an argument for compatiblity with TetraMesh.
- ball_refinement: boolean, optional
Not used. Kept as an argument for compatiblity with TetraMesh.
- pathstring, optional
Not used. Kept as an argument for compatiblity with TetraMesh.
- whole_space: boolean, optional
Flag for if the problem should be treated as a whole space porblem, in which case electrode type is ignored.
- model_err: bool
If True, a flat mesh will be returned for the sake of estimating forward modelling errors.
- dumpfunction, optional
Function to which pass the output during mesh generation. print() is the default.
- **kwargs: dict
Keyword arguments to be passed to functions in gmshWrap.py. Pass cl=x to force the voxel mesh characteristic length.
- force_regular: bool, optional
If passed as True, then return voxel mesh will be made of elements which are of the same size.
- Returns:
- mesh3d: class
- Possible arguments for interp_method:
- ‘bilinear’4 known points are used to compute the equation of a plane
in which the interpolated point lies. This method is reccomended if elevation data is organised in a regular grid.
- ‘nearest’Nearest neighbour interpolation. Z value at the interpolated
point takes on the same Z value as the closest known point. This method can work well for dense elevation data, say in the case using a point cloud from a digital elevation model. This method is the most computationally cheap to run.
- ‘spline’Like bilinear interpolation, a function is fitted to a
quadlerateral of known points encompassing the interpolated Z value. The computed function is a higher order than linear interpolation though. Works best for irregular spaced elevation data.
- ‘triangulate’: Triangulation method, best for complicated topographies
where an irregular grid of known topography points is not avialable. This is the default.
- NoneNo interpolation method is used to interpolated topography on to
mesh, hence a flat mesh is returned.
- Format of mesh_refinement:
The variable must have x,y,z and type columns ‘x’: x coordinate array like ‘y’: y coordinate array like ‘z’: z coordinate array like ‘type’: list, object array of point types, use the tag ‘surface’ for
surface points, use ‘buried’ for buried points.
- ‘cl’: array like of characteristic lengths for each refinement point in
the mesh.
- resipy.meshTools.vtk_import(file_path='mesh.vtk', order_nodes=True)
Imports a mesh file into the python workspace, can have triangular, quad or tetraheral shaped elements.
- Parameters:
- file_pathstring, optional
File path to mesh file. Note that a error will occur if the file format is not as expected.
- order_nodesbool, optional
Order Nodes if true. Process can be resource intensive though. Reccomended if using the mesh for an inversion.
- Returns:
- meshclass
a <ResIPy> mesh class
- resipy.meshTools.vtk_import_fmt4(file_path, order_nodes=True)
Vtk importer for newer format (not fully validated)