Getting Started
ResIPy aims to process geoeletrical data (DC and IP). It provides a python application programming interface (API) and a standalone graphical user interface (GUI). Resipy provides high-level filtering, error modelling, inversion/forward modelling and post-processing tools.

Animation of the workflow of creating synthetic data from forward modelling and then inverting them in the GUI.
The same processing can be achieved with the Python API:
from resipy import Project
k = Project(typ='R2')
k.invert() # invert measurements
k.showResults() # display inverted section
More examples are available in the Gallery of examples.
Checkout the API reference for the full API documentation.
The easiest way is to download one of the standalone executables (.exe or .zip) from GitLab.
If you wish to modify the code or just get the latest version, you can also run from source like this:
git clone cd resipy/src python
Alternatively you can install the API part of the module (so no GUI) from pypi using pip:
pip install resipy
Mac and Linux user will need wine to run the inversions.