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Inversion with topography

In this notebook, we will learn how to add topography and perform 2D inversion with rectangular and triangular meshes. The files needed can be found in examples/dc-2d-topo/.

%matplotlib inline
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # just to make it cleaner in the notebook
import os
import sys
sys.path.append((os.path.relpath('../src'))) # add here the relative path of the API folder
testdir = '../src/examples/dc-2d-topo/'
import numpy as np # this will be used to read the topography file
from resipy import Project
API path =  /media/jkl/data/phd/resipy/src/resipy
ResIPy version =  3.4.6
cR2.exe found and up to date.
R3t.exe found and up to date.
cR3t.exe found and up to date.

First, let’s create an Project object and import the survey as usual.

k = Project(typ='R2') # create new Project object and use default working directory
k.createSurvey(os.path.join(testdir, 'syscal.csv'))
Working directory is: /media/jkl/data/phd/resipy/src/resipy
clearing dirname
600/636 reciprocal measurements found.
10 measurements error > 20 %

We can also plot the pseudo-section. Note that this one remains flat event when there is topogragraphy involved.


If we take a look at the electrodes position by plotting R2.elec we can see that there is no topography yet (all the values in the third column (=z) are 0.0).

x y z remote buried label
0 0.00 0.0 0.0 False False 1
1 0.25 0.0 0.0 False False 2
2 0.50 0.0 0.0 False False 3
3 0.75 0.0 0.0 False False 4
4 1.00 0.0 0.0 False False 5
5 1.25 0.0 0.0 False False 6
6 1.50 0.0 0.0 False False 7
7 1.75 0.0 0.0 False False 8
8 2.00 0.0 0.0 False False 9
9 2.25 0.0 0.0 False False 10
10 2.50 0.0 0.0 False False 11
11 2.75 0.0 0.0 False False 12
12 3.00 0.0 0.0 False False 13
13 3.25 0.0 0.0 False False 14
14 3.50 0.0 0.0 False False 15
15 3.75 0.0 0.0 False False 16
16 4.00 0.0 0.0 False False 17
17 4.25 0.0 0.0 False False 18
18 4.50 0.0 0.0 False False 19
19 4.75 0.0 0.0 False False 20
20 5.00 0.0 0.0 False False 21
21 5.25 0.0 0.0 False False 22
22 5.50 0.0 0.0 False False 23
23 5.75 0.0 0.0 False False 24

Then we can load a csv file that will add topography for each electrode. The csv file should be of the form X,Y,Z and no headers are needed.

k.importElec(os.path.join(testdir + 'elec.csv'))
   label     x    y       z  remote  buried
0      1  0.00  0.0  29.499   False   False
1      2  0.25  0.0  29.504   False   False
2      3  0.50  0.0  29.509   False   False
3      4  0.75  0.0  29.516   False   False
4      5  1.00  0.0  29.478   False   False
5      6  1.25  0.0  29.461   False   False
6      7  1.50  0.0  29.454   False   False
7      8  1.75  0.0  29.428   False   False
8      9  2.00  0.0  29.416   False   False
9     10  2.25  0.0  29.411   False   False
10    11  2.50  0.0  29.398   False   False
11    12  2.75  0.0  29.362   False   False
12    13  3.00  0.0  29.329   False   False
13    14  3.25  0.0  29.245   False   False
14    15  3.50  0.0  29.159   False   False
15    16  3.75  0.0  29.083   False   False
16    17  4.00  0.0  29.010   False   False
17    18  4.25  0.0  28.929   False   False
18    19  4.50  0.0  28.872   False   False
19    20  4.75  0.0  28.761   False   False
20    21  5.00  0.0  28.672   False   False
21    22  5.25  0.0  28.593   False   False
22    23  5.50  0.0  28.509   False   False
23    24  5.75  0.0  28.412   False   False

We can now create a mesh either triangular or rectangular.

k.createMesh(typ='trian') # or trian for triangular mesh
Creating triangular mesh...done (2236 elements)

We can finally invert the data on this mesh. Note that it might take a while so be patient.

Writing .in file and protocol.dat... done

--------------------- MAIN INVERSION ------------------

 >> R  2    R e s i s t i v i t y   I n v e r s i o n   v4.10 <<

 >> D a t e : 03 - 12 - 2023
 >> My beautiful survey
 >> I n v e r s e   S o l u t i o n   S e l e c t e d <<
 >> Determining storage needed for finite element conductance matrix
 >> Generating index array for finite element conductance matrix
 >> Reading start resistivity from res0.dat
 >> R e g u l a r i s e d   T y p e <<
 >>   L i n e a r    F i l t e r    <<
 >> L o g - D a t a   I n v e r s i o n <<
 >> N o r m a l   R e g u l a r i s a t i o n <<
 >> D a t a   w e i g h t s   w i l l   b e  m o d i f i e d <<

 Processing dataset   1

 Measurements read:   336     Measurements rejected:     0
   Geometric mean of apparent resistivities:  0.35349E+03

 >> Total Memory required is:          0.007 Gb

   Iteration   1
     Initial RMS Misfit:        33.54       Number of data ignored:     0
     Alpha:        1253.313   RMS Misfit:        4.53  Roughness:        7.943
     Alpha:         581.736   RMS Misfit:        4.72  Roughness:       10.125
     Step length set to   1.00000
     Final RMS Misfit:        4.53
     Updated data weights

   Iteration   2
     Initial RMS Misfit:         3.29       Number of data ignored:     0
     Alpha:         750.048   RMS Misfit:        2.46  Roughness:        7.507
     Alpha:         348.142   RMS Misfit:        2.02  Roughness:        8.803
     Alpha:         161.593   RMS Misfit:        1.76  Roughness:       10.175
     Alpha:          75.005   RMS Misfit:        1.62  Roughness:       11.762
     Alpha:          34.814   RMS Misfit:        1.54  Roughness:       13.565
     Alpha:          16.159   RMS Misfit:        1.51  Roughness:       15.497
     Alpha:           7.500   RMS Misfit:        1.51  Roughness:       17.683
     Alpha:           3.481   RMS Misfit:        1.52  Roughness:       20.859
     Step length set to   1.00000
     Final RMS Misfit:        1.51
     Attempted to update data weights and caused overshoot
     treating as converged

 Solution converged - Outputing results to file

 Calculating sensitivity map

 Processing dataset   2

 End of data:  Terminating
1/1 results parsed (1 ok; 0 failed)
All ok
k.showResults(contour=True, sens=True, zlim=[28,29.6]) # with contour
/media/jkl/data/phd/resipy/doc/gallery/../../src/resipy/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The collections attribute was deprecated in Matplotlib 3.8 and will be removed two minor releases later.
  for col in cont.collections:
/media/jkl/data/phd/resipy/doc/gallery/../../src/resipy/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The collections attribute was deprecated in Matplotlib 3.8 and will be removed two minor releases later.
  colls = mesh.cax.collections if contour == True else [mesh.cax]

In a nutshell

k = Project(typ='R2')
k.createSurvey(testdir + 'syscal.csv')
k.importElec(testdir + 'elec.csv')
k.showResults(contour=True, sens=True, zlim=[28,29.6])
Working directory is: /media/jkl/data/phd/resipy/src/resipy
clearing dirname
600/636 reciprocal measurements found.
10 measurements error > 20 %
Creating triangular mesh...done (2236 elements)
Writing .in file and protocol.dat... done

--------------------- MAIN INVERSION ------------------

 >> R  2    R e s i s t i v i t y   I n v e r s i o n   v4.10 <<

 >> D a t e : 03 - 12 - 2023
 >> My beautiful survey
 >> I n v e r s e   S o l u t i o n   S e l e c t e d <<
 >> Determining storage needed for finite element conductance matrix
 >> Generating index array for finite element conductance matrix
 >> Reading start resistivity from res0.dat
 >> R e g u l a r i s e d   T y p e <<
 >>   L i n e a r    F i l t e r    <<
 >> L o g - D a t a   I n v e r s i o n <<
 >> N o r m a l   R e g u l a r i s a t i o n <<
 >> D a t a   w e i g h t s   w i l l   b e  m o d i f i e d <<

 Processing dataset   1

 Measurements read:   336     Measurements rejected:     0
   Geometric mean of apparent resistivities:  0.35349E+03

 >> Total Memory required is:          0.007 Gb

   Iteration   1
     Initial RMS Misfit:        33.54       Number of data ignored:     0
     Alpha:        1253.313   RMS Misfit:        4.53  Roughness:        7.943
     Alpha:         581.736   RMS Misfit:        4.72  Roughness:       10.125
     Step length set to   1.00000
     Final RMS Misfit:        4.53
     Updated data weights

   Iteration   2
     Initial RMS Misfit:         3.29       Number of data ignored:     0
     Alpha:         750.048   RMS Misfit:        2.46  Roughness:        7.507
     Alpha:         348.142   RMS Misfit:        2.02  Roughness:        8.803
     Alpha:         161.593   RMS Misfit:        1.76  Roughness:       10.175
     Alpha:          75.005   RMS Misfit:        1.62  Roughness:       11.762
     Alpha:          34.814   RMS Misfit:        1.54  Roughness:       13.565
     Alpha:          16.159   RMS Misfit:        1.51  Roughness:       15.497
     Alpha:           7.500   RMS Misfit:        1.51  Roughness:       17.683
     Alpha:           3.481   RMS Misfit:        1.52  Roughness:       20.859
     Step length set to   1.00000
     Final RMS Misfit:        1.51
     Attempted to update data weights and caused overshoot
     treating as converged

 Solution converged - Outputing results to file

 Calculating sensitivity map

 Processing dataset   2

 End of data:  Terminating
1/1 results parsed (1 ok; 0 failed)
All ok
/media/jkl/data/phd/resipy/doc/gallery/../../src/resipy/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The collections attribute was deprecated in Matplotlib 3.8 and will be removed two minor releases later.
  for col in cont.collections:
/media/jkl/data/phd/resipy/doc/gallery/../../src/resipy/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The collections attribute was deprecated in Matplotlib 3.8 and will be removed two minor releases later.
  colls = mesh.cax.collections if contour == True else [mesh.cax]
[ ]: